Manga Production, a subsidiary of the Mohammed bin Salman Foundation “Misk,” has recently brought about a significant agreement with the renowned Japanese production company, Production I.G. The deal involves licensing the animated series “GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto,” scheduled for release in 2024.
As part of this collaboration, Manga Production secures exclusive distribution, licensing, and marketing rights for the series’ third season across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, encompassing events and merchandise.
Dr. Essam Bukhary, CEO of Manga Productions, expressed enthusiasm for this stride in distribution and licensing, highlighting the massive success attributed to their global partnerships and the team’s unwavering dedication. The collaboration with Production I.G on “GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto” marks a pivotal moment in the licensing landscape within the Arab community, potentially bringing about growth in the local and regional markets.
George Wada, President and CEO of Production I.G, conveyed his excitement about the partnership, emphasizing Production I.G’s commitment to “GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto” and their trust in Manga Productions to introduce the series and forthcoming anime works to Arab audiences.
Eng. Abdulaziz Alnaghmoosh, Director of Marketing, Distribution, and Business Development at Manga Productions, described this collaboration as a strategic move to strengthen their presence in the animation industry. He expressed eagerness to introduce this distinctive show to audiences across the Middle East and North Africa.
Directed by Yuuichiro Hayashi and written by Ryota Kosawa, “GREAT PRETENDER” made its debut in June 2020 on Netflix in Japan, followed by a global release. Garnering positive reviews, the series boasts an IMDb rating of 7.0 and an 8.2 on My Anime List.
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