Colored abayas are all the rage in the Kingdom right now, specifically Jeddah.
More women are embracing this trend and new designs are constantly being updated in the abaya souks and boutiques. Like any other dress, one size doesn’t fit all unless it’s a real-life case of the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants! Every person is unique and has their own choice. Women and girls can now choose abaya just the same way.
Colored Abaya designs
Here’s a few things you should know before you don a coloured abaya!
1. Total Coverage.
Unless you buy abaya which has a lot of sheer lace, a coloured abaya will cover you up just like any other black abaya.
2. Many choices.
You will be spoiled for choice! There are many times and sometimes you’ll want to buy more than one. I know I have!
3. Textures.
You’ll find abayas with a textured material or simple ones. The choice is yours.
read also:Abayas for the Active You
4. Easy to clean.
Coloured abayas are not that difficult to clean. The best option is to send it to the dry cleaners because that will ensure that the material doesn’t wear out in the washing machine.
5. No spills!
Spilling drinks or food on your light coloured abaya can be a unsightly. Especially if you’re at work or university!
6. Wet tissues needed.
So carry a pack of wet tissues with you and dab a little liquid soap on it to wipe off the dirty area. It’s quick fix that can come in real handy out of the blue!
read also:Under The Abaya’ Goes Loca
7. White as a swan!
White abayas are in demand these days and they look amazing. They’re the exact opposite of the traditional abaya! Just make sure you don’t sit on dusty areas!
8. Jeans textured abayas.
This one is easily a favourite. It comes in a few colours but blue and green are especially gorgeous. Go for the design with dark borders or lace! It usually comes in a soft material so make sure you don’t throw it in the washing machine too often!
9. Emerald Green.
The emerald green abayas are another popular option. The deep colour looks fantastic with a white tarha or white lace details.
10. Colour mix.
Abayas which have two or more types of major colours are also quite popular.
11. Khadi colours.
Abaya with the khadi material or colours are also quite popular! These are usually the gray textured abayas or those that mimic the kufiya patterns in tones of black and white.
12. Printed patters.
These are often bright and seriously refreshing! You’ll find patterns of flowers and designs in light, silk-like material.
13. Other popular colours.
Grey, light purple, textured grey-green, and most medium shades of blue are quite popular!
14. You can’t go wrong.
Most coloured abayas look fabulous, especially because they’re so unique!
Embrace your identity. It’s no secret that abayas are the best way for you to show your personality and identity. Embrace your inner self and find the abaya that is YOU.