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Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Here’s How to Lose 4 kg in a Week

Here’s How to Lose 4 kg in a Week

Summer vacations, family reunions, parties for whatever reason, most of us are eager to lose those unwanted kilos which seem to creep up on us every now and then.

How to Lose 4 kg in a Week, If you need to lose weight quickly in order to squeeze into that special gown or custom tailored suit, follow these tips and watch the kilos drop off. The basic rule of consuming fewer calories than you expend on a daily basis is the cornerstone of any weight loss program, so try to avoid diet pills, fad diets (although some are fun to try on a short- term basis), or surgery as your first option.

*Caution: Before embarking on any weight loss program, it’s important to check with your doctor.

The Cabbage Soup Diet

We present to you the cabbage soup diet which is cheap, easy to prepare, and easy to follow, plus the low-fat, high-fiber combo packs a powerful punch to kick-start more sensible, long-lasting weight loss regimens. Keep in mind, however, that all diets are rendered more effective when done in addition to a healthy exercise regimen.

*Caution: This diet should only be followed for 1 week at a time – allow 2 weeks before resuming it again.

How to Lose 4 kg in a Week | Day One:

Fruit: Eat all of the fruit you want (except bananas). Consume only soup and fruit for the first day. Drink as much unsweetened tea, cranberry juice and water as you desire.

Day Two:

Vegetables: Eat until you are stuffed full of fresh, raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and corn. Drink as much soup as you want. At dinner, reward yourself with a big baked potato with butter. Do not eat any fruit today.

Day Three:

Combine Day One and Two: Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want, but sorry, no baked potato with butter today!

Read more 5 Ways to Make Diet Food Appealing

How to Lose 4 kg in a Week | Day Four:

Bananas and Skim Milk: Eat up to eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you like, plus as much soup as you desire. This day is supposed to lessen your craving for sweets, so stay from the sugar!

Day Five:

Beef And Tomatoes: Eat 10-20 ounces of beef and up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water to flush the uric acid from your body. Drink your soup at least once this day. You may eat broiled or baked chicken instead of beef (but absolutely no skin-on chicken). If you prefer, you can substitute broiled fish for the beef one of the beef days (but not both).

Day Six:

Beef and Vegetables: Eat to your heart’s content of beef and vegetables this day. You can even have 2 or 3 steaks if you like, with leafy green vegetables, but no baked potato. Drink at least one serving of soup.

Day Seven:

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: Again stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to have at least one serving of soup today.

Essential Items

Buy attractive exercise clothes to inspire you to workout – check out these local gyms for a wide variety of exercise classes including yoga, aerobics etc.

Visit some gourmet grocery stores for low-calorie nibbles to prevent a late night Al Baik visit.

Diet books which itemize sensible menus and fat-burning exercises can help you structure your weight loss regiment.  Jarir has a good selection in stock if you don’t have time to order online.

Cabbage Soup Recipe

6 large green onions
2 green peppers
1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)
3 Carrots
1 Container (10 oz. or so) Mushrooms
1 bunch of celery
Half a head of cabbage
1 package Lipton soup mix
1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional)
1 48oz can V8 juice (optional)
Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder, etc.


  1. Slice green onions, put in a pot and start to saute with cooking spray.
  2. Cut green pepper stem end off and cut in half, take the seeds and membrane out. Cut the green-pepper into bite size pieces and add to pot.
  3. Take the outer leafs layers off the cabbage, cut into bite size pieces, add to pot.
  4. Clean carrots, cut into bite size pieces, and add to pot.
  5. Slice mushrooms into thick slices, add to pot.
  6. If you would like a spicy soup, add a small amount of curry or cayenne pepper now.
  7. You can use beef or chicken bouillon cubes for seasonings. These have all the salt and flavors you will need.
  8. Use about 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the V8 juice), cover and put heat on low. Let soup cook for a long time – two hours works well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Read More 6 Diet Tips That Will Boost Your Mood

Keys to Success in how to lose 4 kg in a week


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