We’ve narrowed down nine types of tourist photographers.
It’s easy to spot tourists. They’re the ones with the cameras and fingers pointing. It’s possible you’ve come across at least a few of these:
1. Scenery Addict
They take numerous pictures of the skyline, sunsets, farms, mountains and the ocean. They’re addicted to scenery and are probably looking for the perfect wallpaper.
2. Selfie Fanatic
Every picture is a selfie. See a cool sign? Selfie. Finally meet the pyramids? Selfie. Panda? Selfie. Busy downtown street? Selfie. They can turn everything into a selfie opportunity.
3. Larger than life Props
They use monuments and signature buildings as their props. Whether it’s trick photography to pinch the Statue of liberty or to hold the Eiffel Tower under their fingers, these tourists don’t miss the opportunity to turn the world into a prop.
4. The Miniaturists
Speaking of props, these tourists can make everything look like a miniature model, regardless of its actual size.
5. Beatles Buff
They don’t miss the chance to pose as the Beatles crossing Abbey Road, sometimes it’s just one tourist posing as all four.
6. Posers
They take pictures with the Royal Guard, people in traditional clothes and anyone else who looks different.
7. Lonely Tourist
They like being on their own away from any distractions. Some fall under this category because of reasons out of their control, like the girl who went on her honeymoon alone because her husband wasn’t issued a visa, but hey she still seemed to have the time of her life.
8. 360 ° GoPro Experts
‘Expert’ might be far-fetched, but these tourists take their GoPro everywhere, often with the stick. They make sure to take an all-round picture, quite literally.
9. Spring Feet
They jump a lot whenever they can, wherever they can.
10. Can you please..?
They’re usually in groups and they turn everything into an event by asking random strangers to take their group photos.
So, which kind are you?