Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Style Essentials for the Fashion Loving Hijabi

Style Essentials for the Fashion Loving Hijabi
By Yasmine Abu Halawa

I love shopping, but as a Hijabi, it can sometimes drive me insane. There’s so much to buy and not enough shopping guides to help you navigate the hijabi fashion world that at first, I had no idea what I needed and was completely lost. But after a couple of trials and tribulations, I learned how to narrow the basics down so that I look stylish every time!

Here are my top Hijabi’s must-haves, to make it easier for you too.


Hijabi Essentials Collage scarves pic

I know this is a bit obvious, but still… your hijab is a fashion item itself, don’t neglect it. Try different colors and prints to see which best suits you, and don’t forget the style of the hijab itself! Remember to consider your skin tone and the shape of your face. The darker your skin is the brighter you can go!

Bold Prints

Hijabi Essentials Collage bold prints

I love prints. All kinds of them! They brighten up any outfit (and sometimes brighten your day too). From the classic animal-print-with-red-and-gold to the trendy floral-with-pastel – don’t be intimidated and always try something new.


  • Tip: Match your scarf to your outfit, pair a printed shirt with a plain scarf to make the print pop, or vice versa, but never pair a printed scarf with a printed outfit. Remember, less is more.


Hijabi Essentials Collage accessories

Hijabi or not, accessories are the key item that can take an outfit from ‘Okay.’ to ‘Wow!’. From statement necklaces to simple, elegant bracelets and rings, you can never go wrong! Keep in mind sunglasses and belts can have as much impact, too. (I don’t need to remind anyone about shoes and bags, do I?)

  • Tip:  Go for necklaces with long chains, to make sure that they can be seen. Bib necklaces are best paired with collar shirts and a tightly wrapped hijab to show it.

Maxi Skirts and Dresses

Hijabi Essentials Collage dresses pic

These are an MUST for every hijabi, in every color, print and style. Not only do they cover up modestly, they also make any outfit look classy and feminine! Best worn in spring and summer, of course. And beware windy days, wear a pair of light leggings underneath if you’re unsure of the weather!

Blazers and Cardigans

Hijabi Essentials Collage cardigan

You know that moment when you see a super cute long sleeveless shirt and you just have to have it but you know you won’t have anywhere to wear it? Puzzled person, meet the best thing a hijabi can ever stock up on: Cardigans! Cardigans can make any shirt work, while still being comfortable and practical. The same goes for blazers, the cardigan’s preppy cousin. Off to work? Blazer. Got a formal function to attend? Blazer with that adorable dress. Practicing a world speech in front of your mirror? Blazer. It will give you that instant classy finish that only a modified suit jacket can give.


  • Tip:  You can never go wrong with a summer blazer and a maxi dress!

♥ Confidence ♥

No matter what you’re wearing, nothing matters as much as how you see yourself. I know it’s a cliché, but always remember that fashion is all about being comfortable with who you are and expressing it. So don’t hide behind your hijab, shine! And, as a muslimah comic strip I’ve seen recently said: if anyone asks you if you’re ‘hot in that’, tell them you aren’t just hot, you’re drop dead gorgeous.


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