Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Islam and Social Entrepreneurship

Islam and Social Entrepreneurship

It’s that time again when being kind is more gratifying!

Ramadan is when praying becomes more special, Qur’an becomes an extension of one’s arm, and people become kinder and selfless.

The Islamic values become clearly reflected into the heart of social entrepreneurship. For instance, sadaqa comes in many ways, not exclusive to money or clothes, but rather the smiles of passers by and the infinite kindness of all.

Social entrepreneurs aim to create a sustainable social business as a solution to a societal problem regardless of profit maximization. It is all about giving without receiving, enough profit to sustain the solution. Hence, the main focus is the effectiveness and longevity of the helpful solution.

The best gain is that feeling that you’ve done something right, something beneficial to others and contributing to the greater scheme of things. Strikingly similar to the feeling you get after performing sadaqa.

This feeling is not exclusive to the creators of social businesses; it extends to the many contributing employees, making them wake up in the morning with a better conscience. It is about knowing your daily 9 hours are adding to the community and is encouraging social empathy.

Islam views aiding others as one of the most highly recognized hasanatfilled deeds. To lend a hand to your brother is a beloved act to Allah, similarly, benefiting society with all your intentions and actions is of the purest concepts. To make such a concept the path of your career can cause a ripple effect of virtue in the community and can inspire others to follow.

Social entrepreneurship not only celebrates this concept in all its steps, but also enforces it as a priority and a main factor. When the social business acts as an innovative and a positive solution to a social problem then it’ll ease a present need and develop the community together. This is in comparison to helping only one less-privileged person by giving money; meanwhile a social business will help several and create a lasting impact. Kind of like sadaqa jariyah.

All deeds are great deeds, but surely some can hold a greater value than realized.

Kindness is another quality that Islam values and a trait we’ve learned from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Social entrepreneurship is many things, and kindness is one of them. To take notice of what the environment requires, then taking initiative by brainstorming and planning possible solutions that you implement resiliently for the sake of the cause itself and nothing else. Now, that’s kindness. A long practical process of kindness.

Ramadan sure is a grand month to overdose on food and good deeds, however, wouldn’t it be great to have a career of moral intentions, or simply a lasting beneficial impact and many hasanat?


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