Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Be Extraordinary: Saufeeya Bint Goodson

Be Extraordinary: Saufeeya Bint Goodson

What drives a modern Muslim Woman to succeed in modern society? In this issue of Destination, we’ve gathered a handful of incredible ladies who show us that being extraordinary is a matter of deciding to go the extra mile: Extra Grit, Extra Passion, and Extra Hard Work. Arab women are pushing boundaries, and as a whole, can get us across the finish line of progress.

Photo By Abdullah Almosharaf

With a lack of inspiration in modest fashion, Saufeeya started to take her own pictures and post them online to set things in motion. Due to there not being many resources available or figures to look up to, Saufeeya always questioned whether or not she should be continuing. She decided to kick hesitation to the curb and pave her own way, even if she could not foresee what would come out of her work. Not being sure what to expect or how the public would react to her decisions, Saufeeya kept growing her platform regardless of the minor backlash, “there are definitely the negatives, but when you look at the bigger picture, it has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Even when Saufeeya felt defeated or not accepted on a public platform, she remained strong-willed, “I definitely feel there is still a lot of challenges, especially in the Arab world. Whether it’s colorism or the way you dress. There is always something that can be critiqued.”
Saufeeya’s journey has taught her to push through and persevere. It made her pay attention to her surroundings, “your environment is the most important thing. It is what allows you to move forward and allows you to be motivated and inspired and succeed.”

Saufeeya wants her followers to remain Extra Creative and Extra Passionate, especially when starting something new.

Instagram: saufeeya


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