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Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

How to Make Use of Your Hajj Holidays – for Non-Hajjis

How to Make Use of Your Hajj Holidays – for Non-Hajjis

Not performing Hajj this year? Don’t want to miss out on the countless blessings of Hajj? Don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. Here are some things you can do!


1. Fast

You may have heard your elders fast on all ten days of Dhul Hajj especially the day of Arafat. According to a hadith, fasting on the Day of Arafat will wipe your sins from the previous and upcoming year.

Imagine doing this every year, and forgiveness will be granted to you for your entire life! Sounds like a deal!japa-1865279_960_720

2. Dhikr and Takbeer

It is incredibly important to make the most of these days, so do a LOT of Dhikr. Dhikr is a devotional act in which short prayers glorifying Allah (SWT) are repeatedly recited quietly in the mind or aloud. This is an act of worship that you can perform at any time of the day, whether you’re crossing the street or simply relaxing at home. The specifically esteemed verses you must repeat, per say the Sunnah is “SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi, SubhanAllahil Adheem” (Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to Him). Or Tahleel (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah), Takbeer (saying Allahu akbar) and Tahmeed (saying al-hamdu Lillaah).

3. Tahajjud

Reminiscing Ramadan? Here is your golden opportunity to revive the spirit of staying up late to complete your prayers and ask Allah to forgive you. The last third of the night is particularly a lucrative time for worship.

4. Dua

It cannot be stressed upon enough; Dua is a fundamental aspect of worship as it defines our relationship with our Creator. Dua is an act of supplication. It is our calling to God; it is starting a conversation with Allah (SWT), the All Knowing, and the All Powerful.Wrest this chance to seek forgiveness, leave any disobedience and adhere to do the deeds that Allah loves.quran-2217509_960_720

5. Quran in Depth

Reciting even one letter of the Quran grants you 10 good deeds on an ordinary day. So imagine how many rewards you can accumulate during this whole spiritual period! Strive to make picking up the Quran a priority every day. Read it with meaning, reflect on it, understand it, and then implement it in your daily life.

In addition, you can also listen to lectures of Tafseer. A Tafseer on Quranic passages explains the content and provides insight on the places, times and the backstory of a particular verse. Often scholars also give their views and opinions of scholars on the Surah .There is a myriad of videos available on YouTube, even short, two-minute videos, that you can find helpful. – Here is a fun and creative tafseer on Surah Al-Kafiroun by Nouman Ali Khan. You can even share this with your kids as the video also has illustrations to go along with the lesson!

6. Becoming the Best Versions of Yourselves

It’s a simple formula really; try your utmost best to perform more good deeds during these magnificent days. Whether it is sending Salaams on the Prophet, giving charity, honoring our parents, upholding ties of kinship or enjoining what is good and forbid what is evil. Volunteering is also a good option.

7. Learn and Share

Expand the horizons of your knowledge in Islam by learning about Hajj yourself. If you’re not a bookworm, watch some tutorial videos on Youtube or read some blogs to get some personal perspective.

Alternatively, this is also the perfect time to talk to the younger ones or non – Muslims about principles of Hajj and its significance. Prepare a brief lecture to acquaint people with Muslim traditions and faith at your local community center or a school. The reward will be enormous for sure, as teaching is a great way to retain the information.

8. Participate in Eid Ul Adha Festivities

During Hajj, Muslims also commemorate the predicaments of the Prophet Abraham by slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, goat or camel. They then distribute the meat to the needy, their friends and family.

Another integral tradition is to attend the Eid prayers. One of the Companions said: “… Going out to pray Eid al-Adha is equal to performing Hajj.”

In conclusion, make use of these majestic days as you should of the regular ones.


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