Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Guide to Healthy Fasting During Ramadan

Guide to Healthy Fasting During Ramadan

Tips and Tricks.

It’s important to find the healthy balance during the holy month of Ramadan between feasting up yourself into a food coma and between extreme dieting and/or exercising while trying to lose weight. One way might lead you to gain more weight while the other could have serious health complications on your well being. Here are some tips to guide you into a healthy fasting during this Ramadan:

  1. A balanced diet consists of all the major food groups but your emphasis should be on complex carbs and fiber rich foods as they release energy slower throughout the fasting hours. Such foods include fruits and vegetables of all kinds, whole wheat products, oats, cereals and seeds. Avoid heavily processed foods and refined carbs and try to avoid fatty filled foods like sweets and chocolates and full fat dairy products.
  1. Healthy cooking methods should be adopted whenever possible. Ramadan is not Ramadan without sambosa and we are not going to argue that, but instead of deep frying it, try to bake it or try new things like veggie sambosa for a change.
  1. Stay hydrated by making sure you drink water throughout the non-fasting hours but here are some more tips on hydration:
  1. Exercise in Ramadan is good for you as long as you have realistic goals. A lot of people want to lose weight in Ramadan and they might take up an aggressive training program which could be really dangerous. These are some tips to help guide you
  1. Don’t push yourself. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and those who are ill are exempt from fasting, according to the Qur’an. That also extends to children, seniors or those who rely on oral medication that they need to take during the day.


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