Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Be Smart To Be Fit (Or Healthy)

Be Smart To Be Fit (Or Healthy)
By Jill Calvert

Life revolves around tasks, goals and ambitions. How you plan and stay motivated to achieve these goals may be different in practice but will ultimately follow the same principle. So if I make fitness goals (as that’s what I do best), here is how I would set it up, using a simple tool called the SMART principle.

Be as specific and concrete with your goal. It can be something simple like wanting to run at your child’s sports day in school or signing up for a 10k race.

This simply means setting goals that can be measured by time and weight so you see your progress.

Ask yourself if your goal is attainable. Be sensible with your approach. If you have never ran before and the race you’re joining is in one week, it is unlikely that this goal will be attainable. If you’re trying to lose two kilos in one week, then that’s more possible.

Being realistic with your goals is almost the same as making them attainable. If they are unrealistic you will get even more de-motivated. Even though there is no limit to what you can do, commit first to a goal that is within your ultimate grasp.

Set a time frame on when you would like to achieve this. With goals, you want to see the end result and feel good that you have attained it so set yourself a ealistic number of days that will help you succeed.

Now that we know the format of how to set a goal, there are many ways that enable you stay on the path towards it. I will keep it basic: People have their own approach in staying motivated. What might work for me will not work for you.

Here are my tips on how to make positive changes in your health and how to stay motivated in working out for a better, fitter, and healthier you:

1. Write your goals down
Whether on paper, phone, laptop or fridge, write down your fitness goal and remind yourself daily. Keep in mind why you’re doing it.

2. Tell people about it  
I have found that when more people are involved, there is a lesser chance for you to fail. No one wants to be seen as a failure. Also, your family and friends might have other fitness advice for you so share them your regimen and find inspiration in others.

3. Attach emotion to it
Apart from your betterment, find other good reasons to do your tasks. There are some runs that are being done for charity. Join them! You didn’t only succeed in keeping up with your fitness goal; you also succeeded in helping others. It’s a win-win situation!

4. Plan, plan, plan!
Have a schedule. If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail.

Make sure that all your fitness and health goals are things that you want to do and not things that you have been pushed into. Do your regimen every day and make it a habit.

So there you go, my dear readers! You have no excuse to plan for a better lifestyle!

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Instagram: @korestudios


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