Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

What’s in a Cup? All You Need to Know About Coffee

What’s in a Cup? All You Need to Know About Coffee

Cofique answers your brewing questions about this favorite morning indulgence.

There are two main species of coffee:

_dsc5839Caffeine Content

While you might think that dark roasted coffee has more caffeine than light roasted coffee, the truth is that the roast level has an insignificant impact on the caffeine content.

In fact, what actually impacts the caffeine content in a cup of coffee are these variables: coffee-to-water ratio, brewing method, and total brew time.

Coffee Extraction

Imagine an arbitrary scale. On one end you have sourness, which represents extreme acidity, and on the other end of the scale you have bitterness. What happens when coffee is under-extracted is that it results in a sour, or acidic, tasting cup of coffee. On the other hand, over-extracted coffee results in an extremely bitter taste.

Bitterness and acidity are not undesired attributes. When they are perfectly balanced, they provide a well-rounded cup of coffee. The key here is to ensure that neither bitterness or sourness dominates.

Facebook: Cofique


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