Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Vinyl Mode Spinning New Tunes With A Global Sound

Vinyl Mode Spinning New Tunes With A Global Sound
By Dalya Bajunaid
Photography by Fahad Ayyad

Saudi’s Hip-Hop and Rock scenes thrive on local artists producing their own unique sounds – a melange of music which combines their Arab origins with a global, modern flair. Vinyl Mode is the newest resident group to hit the scene; specializing in Trance/House tracks, they’re making their mark and aiming for the international scene.

IMG_8591-optimizedHumble Beginnings

They started off as many musical groups start – with a passionate meeting of the minds. Although their tastes in music differ from one another, Jeddah native, Muhanned Nassar, and Greek KAUST student, Harris Mavromatis, found that they both shared the same respect and love for artistic ingenuity and educating the masses. Individually, they grew up surrounded by an eclectic mix of sounds, from Pink Floyd and James Brown to Madonna.

As local DJ’s, during their free time, they started experimenting with different elements until they wound up with a sound exclusively their own. The name Vinyl Mode just seemed to make sense, as they use actual vinyl records and turntables; a throwback to the way DJ’s originally started.



Utilizing social networking sites like YouTube and Facebook as a means to “spread the love,” as they put it, Vinyl Mode fans are springing up all over. You can ‘like’ their page on to sample the music or tune into their podcast “Tune Your Senses,” which is already being heard in 16 different countries.

The overall positive outlook and optimistic attitude of Muhanned and Harris keep them going; they refuse to let any social taboos, due to misconceptions, hinder their creativity.  They might be DJ’s, but they don’t let the fact that they should be a business thwart their message.

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Collaborating with talented graphic designers and photographers, they are keen on titillating not only your sense of hearing, but also your sight. Completely believing in artistic freedom and a total suspension from any negativity has left these two men without limitations in pursuing what they long for. Ultimately, Vinyl Mode has big aspirations…to be heard and appreciated on a global level, while still leaving their mark on Jeddah. Any young adult with a dream and a laptop can express themselves musically.

Using the sounds of their heritage for inspiration coupled with the increasing globalization of musical styles, there is no doubt that Jeddahwis are producing a distinctive and unique sound that can be enjoyed both locally and abroad.


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