Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Tips to become a Perfect Traveler

Tips to become a Perfect Traveler

When you are in a locality, stay local.

Vacationing is a bliss for a plethora of reasons, but what I find to be the absolute pleasure is the ‘me-time’ that we all get to savor. This doesn’t particularly mean to the time when you reside with your solitude; rather it has to do with the little moments that you get to experience with a dash of contemplation.

Staying local when you’re out of town is the most crucial element, and how can one do that? No matter where you go, never miss out on the essence of a locality, and DR is here to tell you how to go about it.

Talk to strangers

It sure is comfortable to hop into a limousine and savor the luxury of it all. But being a lone truck, no matter how wealthy, can only be fun for a while. Get into a common bus, or a tram and blend in with the locals. Talk to the one beside you, or walk in the streets, stop by and initiate a conversation (even if you don’t know the language, try signing or anything of the sort). One conversation can honestly blow your mind!

Bored Pandas
Bored Pandas

Help the people

When you’re out of the comfy city of yours, you involuntarily carry your nationality. You represent your country and culture, so why not leave a little goodness in the touring site? When people struggle with their bags or while loading luggage, or are having any trouble which you could easily sort out, then go ahead and do it! Apart from having that euphoria in you, the bliss of conversing with them after that and making them happy is out of the world!


Eat local

Food is everything that makes a vacation a good or bad one. Pricey restaurants are surely a good deal, with multi-cuisine entree and what not. But, the essence lies in the traditional food, the streets, and the small scale owners who are pushing their days. While traveling, spend a good amount of time in finding the finest delicacies of the town, and more often than not, you are likely to find them in the nooks and corners of the city.


Read local

Libraries hold the finest of secrets. And guess what? You can become that mystery human being who writes those sweet little notes too! Even if you’re not an avid reader, get to the library, find the book with yellowed pages and dilapidated cover (it’d be the best one), leave a beautiful little note for the next reader. That can make someone’s day!


Happy Vacationing!


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