Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

The How, Where, What of Riyadh for the Week: November 1 – 7

The How, Where, What of Riyadh for the Week: November 1 – 7

Why hello, November! And would you look at that? Our to do list for the week is right on the 1st of the month. It’s looking like an active November ahead, with events happening left and right.


Edge of the world
An already popular site for nature lovers especially during the pleasant cooler months, the edge of the world is a must visit for any riyadh. Abundant with cliffs and treks, this is perfect for group trips this time of the year. Check out:

An Adventure on the Edge


Freshii – healthy fastfood in riyadh?
Here’s a healthy alternative we didn’t see coming—actually we did but we didn’t expect it to be this good. You must bite into this:

Freshii Guiltless Gorging


New York Film Academy visits Riyadh
Time to take your cinematic dreams and film maker ambitions to the next level. The new york film academy will be in riyadh to review portfolios from nov 6-7. Other cities will be visited. To know more, check out our calendar:

New York Film Academy Auditions


Moon Fame Carnival

Here’s one for the kiddos, moon fame is a creative learning caravan happening at mishkat on nov 6. There’ll be tons of activities for your little riyadhis, find the details here:

Moon Fame Carnival

Learn about the man behind mishkat science center: Interview with Amr Al-Madni


All About Vitamin D
Why? Because interestingly, despite living in one of the sunniest cities, a lot of riyadhis have vitamin d deficiency. Find out all you need to know about this vitamin/hormone (yep, it’s a hormone):

Must Knows About Vitamin D in Saudi Arabia


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