Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Saudi’s Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Saudi’s Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

If you’ve been scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, you’ve likely stumbled upon these familiar faces gracing your screen. In a digital realm where daily content meets storytelling, we delve into the world of Saudi Arabia’s most prominent food creators.


These creators are not just individuals but part of a thriving community fostered by the Content Creators Agency. Founded in 2016 by Abdulrahman Baksh, this agency serves as a nexus for the kingdom’s foremost content creators, a collective where talent converges to redefine the landscape of content creation. Join us as we uncover their stories and passions.


Abdulrahman Baksh

Instagram: healthway_22

Saudi's Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Abdulrahman Baksh, known as healthway_22 with a following of 633K on Instagram and 9.4M Likes on TikTok as of publishing, started his social media journey with a unique twist— documenting cheat meals during his diet, a concept that gained instant popularity.


He explained, “My partner Ameer and I decided to film and showcase a cheat meal during our diet. The audience loved it and asked for more content, leading us to start our YouTube channel in 2016. At that time, that kind of content didn’t exist in the Middle East.”


Our channel on YouTube is called Lift And Caheat (Lift from lifting weight and Cheat from Cheat meal). Our motto is “cheat hard and train harder.”


His creative process involves simplicity and appeal, ensuring each post or video looks delicious and inviting. Balancing popular spots with hidden gems is key to engaging his audience. Abdulrahman shared, “We show the popular spots and compare them with the hidden gems while also allowing the audience to comment and give their opinions and experiences.” His favorite dishes include local Masuob and internationally, pizza.


Engaging with followers and keeping them interested is a blend of simplicity and mouthwatering visuals. He emphasized, “We make the content so simple and humble, and it looks delicious when we add beauty shots.” Positive feedback fuels his content, with followers often expressing their cravings and desire to try his featured dishes.According to Abdulrahman, social media shapes the country’s food culture. He asserted, “It plays a very important role, or I can say the main role because nowadays social media is everything.” Supporting local businesses is also a priority, as they contribute to Saudi Arabia’s culinary landscape.


Abdulrahman’s advice for aspiring food content creators is straightforward: “Continue and be original.” when asked what he likes to cook for himself, he said Shakshuka lamb shanks and pancakes.


Rahaf Maghrabi

Instagram: rahafeatss

Saudi's Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Rahaf Magrabi, known for her engaging content with 87.5K Instagram followers and 7M likes, credits her start in the culinary world to Lift and Cheat on YouTube. “Watching Lift and Cheat on YouTube was a big inspiration for me to begin my journey,” she shares with enthusiasm.


For Rahaf, the cornerstone of her dishes lies in quality ingredients, with Albaik’s shrimp dish holding a special place as her all-time favorite.


Her creativity extends to playful experiments, such as crafting a burger with donuts as buns, reflecting her love for innovative flavor combinations. “I enjoy playing with unconventional combinations,” she notes with a smile. Beyond creating delectable dishes, Rahaf is passionate about introducing her audience to new culinary experiences.


“I want to introduce my audience to new culinary experiences,” she emphasizes, highlighting her dedication to guiding food enthusiasts to hidden gems and diverse cuisines. Her aspiration goes beyond just sharing recipes; she aims to become a trusted source for food recommendations. “I want people to consider me a reliable source when looking for good food,” she states confidently, embodying her commitment to excellence.


Looking ahead, Rahaf envisions a journey that encompasses every cuisine with unwavering standards of quality and taste. “I aim to showcase a diverse range of cuisines without compromising on quality,” she declares, outlining her ambitious yet admirable goal.”


Additionally, she enjoys putting her unique spin on classic dishes, evident in her creation of unique variations of Indomie, showcasing her creativity and flair in the kitchen.In her quest to elevate the food experience for her audience, Rahaf’s passion, creativity, and commitment shine through, making her a beloved figure in the culinary world.


Ameer Abuzanadah

Instagram: ameer_abuz

Saudi's Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Ameer Abuzanadah, co- founder of the Lift and Cheat channel alongside Abdulrahman Baksh, is a dynamic content creator across platforms like TikTok, where he boasts 8.7M likes, and Instagram with 207K followers. Known for their fitness and food content, Ameer brings a unique blend of adventure and culinary exploration to their collective audience.


Reflecting on their journey, Ameer shares, “The beginning was by chance on YouTube. It was a food challenge between Abdul Rahman and me, and we decided to upload it. It received great interaction, and the journey began.”


When it comes to selecting content for their channel, Ameer emphasizes, “We decide depending on the review,” indicating their keen eye for quality and dishes that are trending.


Among his favorites are “Chicken fried from Tnder,” a comfort food classic, and an adventurous encounter with “Octopus,” which left a lasting impression.


Addressing the impact of social media on food culture, Ameer emphasizes, “Social media is the most important factor affecting food culture today.” His platforms plays a crucial role by “highlighting innovative and emerging restaurants that deserve support,” he adds.


Looking ahead, Ameer advice for those just starting off is “To be more consistent and try being fresh and current with your content” in their content, aiming to shine a spotlight on new places and feature diverse international cuisines.


Osama Alhebshi

Instagram: osamaalhebshi

Saudi's Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Osama Alhebshi, known for his love of food and adventurous palate, has garnered 55K followers on Instagram and an impressive 5M likes on TikTok. His passion for trying new dishes is the driving force behind his content. “My love for food and for trying new things,” he says, explaining what inspired him to start his journey in food content creation.


When selecting restaurants or dishes to feature, Osama prioritizes quality and trendiness. “The quality and if it was a trendy dish,” he notes. Each video he creates is a “journey,” capturing the essence of his culinary adventures.


Osama’s favorite dish from a restaurant is Albaik’s Musahab (nuggets). When it comes to comfort food, he often turns to Tndr. One of the most unique dishes he has tried is grilled octopus. Osama values the feedback he receives, especially comments about the honesty in his videos. “The feedback I get is mostly about honesty in my videos, and that’s a good thing, alhamdulillah,” he shares.A memorable interaction with a follower happened at Red Sea Mall. “I can’t forget the first stranger who came up to me and wanted to take a photo for the first time. It felt weird but awesome at the same time,” he recalls.


Social media plays a huge role in shaping the food culture. “It’s playing a huge role as the business owners are following the trends on social media,” he notes. Supporting local restaurants is something Osama takes seriously, often posting about them repeatedly. His advice to aspiring food content creators is simple: “Be you, don’t stop, keep hustling.”


Looking ahead, Osama plans to focus more on cooking videos, although new plans come up daily. He predicts the food scene in Saudi will lean more towards fast-food restaurants in the coming years. His favorite meal to cook right now is Korean gnocchi; if he had to choose one cuisine to eat for the rest of his life, it would be fried chicken.


Abdullah Saad

Instagram: 3bdoosh9

Saudi's Well Known Creators Share Their Food Secrets

Abdullah, known online as 3bdoosh9, is renowned for his captivating food videos on platforms like Instagram, which boasts 66.5K followers, and TikTok, with an impressive 8.1M likes.


His content goes beyond merely trying out different restaurants; it showcases his skills as a budding cook. He often shares his passion for steaks and meat on his platforms. This unique blend of fast-paced excitement and culinary exploration has made him recognizable in digital content creation.


In developing a new food post or video, Abdullah focuses on creating a hook or a unique filming style. “To have a hook or a creative way to shoot the video,” he explained, revealing his strategy for standing out in the digital sphere.


He notes that as a foodie, his biggest challenge is balancing his content with his diet, a task he enthusiastically tackles. “Balancing my content and my diet,” he acknowledged, highlighting the constant juggle of indulgence and discipline he approaches enthusiastically.


He says the best way to enjoy Saudi Arabia’s culinary scene is “Mixing both popular and hidden gems,” which showcases his knack for exploration and discovery.


Engaging with his audience involves continuously developing his content and responding to feedback, such as questions about his fitness despite him indulging in food adventures regularly.


“By developing it every while,” he stated, highlighting his commitment to evolving his content According to him, social media plays a significant role in shaping the Saudi food culture. He prioritizes supporting local restaurants by showcasing them to his audience.


His advice to aspiring creators? “Be unique and post continuously” Looking forward, Abdullah teased about exciting new projects, including a series on cooking steaks, promising his audience more delightful content. Envisioning the food scene in Saudi in five years, he sees it heading towards earning Michelin stars.



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