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Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Nün: Constantly Fine-Tuning Education

Nün: Constantly Fine-Tuning Education

Interview with the Director of Nün Academy, Nirmeen Alireza.

Q: What does New Beginnings mean for Nün Academy?

A: I believe that new beginnings are often mistakenly associated with a need to re-invent oneself. As humans / organizations founded with a purpose, new beginnings should be more about re-centring oneself than re-inventing. As a values-based organization founded with the vision of nurturing compassionate students, empowered to master the challenges of today and motivated to shape the world of tomorrow, we evaluate all new initiatives against the role they will play in helping us move closer to our vision.

Q: Why the move to a bigger building?

A: As we prepare to move to our new facility, we look forward to being able to finally service the growing number of families that’ve been patiently waiting for a vacancy for their children.  We welcome the larger space and the opportunities that’ll provide to expand our offering. We also welcome the challenge of transforming the building into an environment that’s conducive to learning and that promotes the well-being of those within it. All members of our community know the emphasis that we place on making sure the school environment is designed with the best interest of all its occupants in mind. That’s something we’ll diligently be working on over the next few months.  The facility also represents another new beginning, the launch of our Boys’ School where we’ll be welcoming boys in Year 5 and 6. Having a larger campus that allows us to keep our older boys close by was non-negotiable, as we seek to ensure that they receive the same level of oversight as the Girls’ school.image4-copy

Q: For a school that is only three years old, how is it possible to have a new beginning?

A:New Beginnings” might appear at first glance to not apply to a school as young as Nün Academy, however, it very much defines us, as we are constantly trying to become better versions of ourselves by living the value of “An Ethic of Excellence” where we aspire “to always be better today than we were yesterday”. For the past three years we have continued to focus on improving the quality of education, asking ourselves at every junction: Are we meeting the needs of all our students? Are we providing the right opportunities for members of our staff to grow? Are we providing an environment where all members feel belonging and significance? While the answers are not always “yes”, those questions lead to a course of action that helps us move closer towards, God Willing, one day being able to answer in the affirmative.

Book A Tour at the New Nun Academy Facility by visiting:

Instagram: nunacademy


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