Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Inspiring Today’s Youth

Inspiring Today’s Youth

Role Models building a brighter tomorrow. To date, Role Models has supported children around the world by teaching them how to communicate well, think critically, solve problems, and lead brilliantly.

The courses offered at Role Models allow children to experience a unique combination of soft skills training and specific skills input. The courses are fast-paced, high energy, and challenging, and the children work together in teams to solve different challenges while exploring how the mind works.

“The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even when things aren’t going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset, one that allows people to thrive during the most challenging times of their lives,” says Dr. Carol Dweck.

All courses at Role Models incorporate key aspects of the Growth-Mindset Framework in creative ways, teaching children how to push themselves outside of their comfort zones, embrace new experiences, and persist when faced with challenges.

Parents have the benefit of knowing that their children are being taught unique life skills content developed by UK education experts and delivered by experienced Role Models from the UK.shutterstock_326465000_xl

Our courses are always based on:
• Active Learning
• Ambitious Content
• Serious Fun

Our courses deliver:
• Empowerment
• Sustained Behavior Change
• A Framework for Future Success

Mob: +44-7946345091 (WhatsApp) / +966-549853568
Instagram: role.modelsksa


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