Dar Alhanan School recently hosted its fourth annual Drama Day, a vibrant and purposeful student-led event organized by the English department. A total of 27 plays and performances were meticulously planned and presented live on stage by students who dedicated weeks to preparation.
Covering multiple themes, from addressing school bullying and embracing happiness to promoting a love of reading and pursuing dreams, Drama Day conveyed many valuable messages to the community. The event served as a platform for students to showcase various skills, such as leadership, creativity, time-management, collaboration, literacy, self-dependence, decision-making, and public speaking.
All students at Dar Alhanan actively participated in the event, taking on roles such as acting, script writing, technology tasks, stage props, or costume design. Many of the plays featured were original scripts created by the students themselves, presenting their creativity and talents. In Dar Alhanan, drama learning is an important part of the school’s English program, aligning with its Vision and Mission.
The event received sponsorship from major Saudi companies, showing their support for this valuable learning experience. Special acknowledgment goes to the dedicated English team at Dar Alhanan for their efforts in coaching and supporting students from Kindergarten to Twelfth Grade, enabling them to shine and display their talents.
Some play titles included “Live Your Story,” “Embracing Happiness,” “DHS News Broadcast,” “A Crazy Story,” “The Bookworm Buddies,” “Coco Channel,” “Medical Crisis,” “Parody of Snowhote,” “Spilling the Tea,” “Mirror Of Souls,” and “With A Grain of Salt.” The preparation process for each play was carefully thought out and resulted in some of the best performances.
For additional insights about the event or about Dar Alhanan, visit their website or by emailing info@dhs.edu.sa.