Speaking through your art.
Artist: Faried Omarah
Form of Expression: Conceptual Art
Tell us more about yourself.
I’m an Egyptian architect and a green associate with the United States Green Building Council. That means I’m a specialist in the field of environmental design of buildings and energy consumption, which of course has nothing to do with the art I make.
When was the first time you realized that creating art was something you absolutely had to do?
There is a saying that goes: what you find yourself doing when procrastinating is the thing you should be doing as a job. Well, I would always do artwork instead of my original architectural work. Thing is, though, I never stopped being an architect; I just managed to do both!
Do you have a creative process or set of rituals?
Coffee, classical music, night time, solitude and more coffee.
What are you trying to communicate with your art?
It’s very hard and nearly impossible for me to articulate my vision into words; that’s why I create it into art after all. I let the piece speak for itself.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Creativity is subtraction.” You should remove everything you can until there is nothing else to take out. What remains is all that’s needed to serve your purpose.
What inspires you?
Almost everything. Everywhere I look I see something that can be used in a work of art.
What do you want to be remembered for?
I love it when people tell me that they like the “idea” in my works, not the aesthetic aspects.
Who is your favorite artist?
I’d say Banksy. I like his techniques, his morals and the halo of mysterious identity around him.
If your closest friends and loved ones were to describe you in three words, what would those words be?
Rational, calm and composed.
You’re at a restaurant to have dinner with four people. Who are you meeting? (It can be anyone from past, present or future.)
There are many people that I’d like to have long talks with, including: Nikola Tesla the physicist, Ahmed Bahgat the writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky the Russian novelist and Kurt Gödel the mathematician.
Web: fariedesign.com
Instagram: fariedomarah