Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

19 Foods You Are Probably Pronouncing Wrong

19 Foods You Are Probably Pronouncing Wrong
By Mohammed Mirza

With so many foreign words in food, it is hard to keep up with pronunciations. And some of them are just so hard to pronounce, that we’d rather continue to pronounce them as we always did. But it’s always good to know, so here are a few foods that you are probably pronouncing wrong.

1. croissant

2. quinoa

3. lasagna

4. fajita

5. mozarella

6. taco

7. chowmein

8. guacamole

9. pizza

10. mojito

11. quesadilla

12. chipotle

13. parmesan

14. salmon

15. pomme-frites

16. espresso

17. tortilla

18. basil

19. jalapeno


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