Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

10 Things You Go Through When You Forget Your Phone

10 Things You Go Through When You Forget Your Phone

We’ve all faced it at least once in our lives and that is the day when we realize that we’re so addicted to our phones.

Without a mobile phone one feels incomplete. It sounds like a big statement but this is a reality for many of us. Here are the different phases you go through when you forget your phone at home.

1. You leave home and are now stuck in traffic.

You try to get hold of your phone, but can’t seem to find it.

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2. You start searching for it frantically, but to no avail.

And you realize that you’ve forgotten it at home.

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3. You now have a choice of returning home and getting it or going on without it.

You decide the latter, telling yourself that you’d easily survive a day without your phone.

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4. After a few minutes you feel bored and your hand automatically reaches your pocket to get your phone.

But it doesn’t find anything and you feel like a child who’s been deprived of his/her chocolate.

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5. A person near you sees his/her phone and starts laughing.

And it makes you realize all the things you’re missing out on.

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6. You start wondering over all the calls and WhatsApp messages you’re missing out on.

You ask yourself, what if some of them were important?

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7. You try to distract your mind with other things.

But nothing seems to work.

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8. Then something interesting happens nearby and you see that everyone takes out their phones to shoot it.

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9. Turning to mediation, you start taking in deep breaths.

It seems like it works, but after a little while your hand feels fidgety and you know what they’re missing.

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10. When you reach home, the first thing you do is get hold of your phone.

And see it has so many unread messages and unanswered calls.

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11. But then you realize that maybe your day wasn’t that tough after all.

And that you’ve been through a digital cleanse of sorts and overcome your addiction by a bit.

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