Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Social Stars at TEDxAlhamraa

Social Stars at TEDxAlhamraa

The stage belonged to the inspiring women of Jeddah.

November’s Tedx AlHamraa Women event was a motivational highlight for active Jeddawis, and for delegate students of Al Hamraa School, who got the opportunity to interact with and interview some of their favorite locals. Hosted at Waad Academy, many inspirational Saudi women took to the stage to address important social issues and matters that affect our society. The talks were beneficial for people for a variety of reasons – from getting them a step closer to their business goals to giving them insight in dealing with the emotional baggage of life. TEDxAlhamraa beautifully instilled a sense of optimism, self-awareness, and social responsibility. It was a much-needed event that gave attendees the reflective boost they need to end the year with a positive spirit.

Maria Mahdaly
Maria Mahdaly

Destination’s own Maria Mahdaly was one of the speakers; her thoughtful idea helped people realize the power that is in their hands, as individuals and a community, to be a medium – every one of us has a message to spread to the world.

Amal Dokhan

Founder of Emkan Education Basma Bushnak spoke about the negative stigma attached to divorce and how her personal experience affected her life. Bushnak’s podcast, Iqleb Al Saf’ha (Turn the Page) offers a moral support system for women dealing with divorce. Another voice of optimism was Asma Fatani, a woman who has fought to achieve her goals and helped her audience see how they could do the same.

Nouf Hakeem
Nouf Hakeem

Khayra Bundakji, co-founder of the youthful Mstdfr podcast, gave a cheerful and uplifting talk about authenticity of the self and defying gender stereotypes. Nouf Hakeem, creator of The Lighthouse Concept, spoke on self-love and acceptance, and confronting ill feelings one might have about themselves. Hakeem inspired the audience to face their true emotions and make peace with their true self.

Khayra Bundakji
Khayra Bundakji

The star of Saudi film Barakah Meets Barakah and the founder of The Other Story Project Fatima Al Banawi addressed the issue of our cultural identity and how it’s negatively affected by the portrayal of Arabs in western media. Amal Dokhan added a little bravery to the evening by asking the audience to try something new: each member of the audience drew the person sitting next to them in 10 seconds. This exercise dared them to do something they might otherwise have hesitated to attempt.

Fatima Al Banawi
Fatima Al Banawi

Many more hardworking and inspiring women brightened up the TEDxAlhamraa stage with their ideas. More power to them!


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