Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Futoor Fundamentals

Futoor Fundamentals

Here are some ways to spruce up a family futoor.

Saudis know about family time, and there is no period of time where that is most pronounced than in Ramadan.

Since the entire family is present during futoor, because it’s a time-honored tradition only broken in extraneous circumstances, why not take advantage of it.  Add some flavor to your month of family dinners with a few activities.

Replace the Soaps

The inclination to lounge back on your sofas and tune in to the latest pseudo drama is very strong in Ramadan, but for the sake of everything holy, don’t.

Remember that all the Ramadan soaps rerun the next afternoon and throughout the months following Ramadan. You’re not going to miss out on anything. Find a game that is most inclusive for your family to play after futoor. A personal favorite is Fibbage because it’s an interactive group game that uses a computer or a smart TV and your phones. If there’s a language obstacle, head to Jarir for their wide collections of Arabic and English games.


There are very few things that ruin futoor like monotony. Don’t let the routine sink in too much and take your family out. There’s nothing like dressing up and going to a candlelit dinner with the fam. If you’re looking for a quiet family futoor, we recommend heading to Al Mayass on Prince Sultan Road. It’s prefect for larger families who want to be comfortable. For more recommendations as always, head to out dining section.

Mass Iftar

Every year, the Dimitris invite all of their kids’ friends to a buffet style futoor at their house. It doesn’t matter that there is no place for them to sit because the apartment is taken over by starving teenagers, or the fact that they’re Christians and don’t celebrate Ramadan. This is their chance to do good by feeding a fasting person, and a chance for them to get to know their kids’ friends in a non-threatening way. Your kids’ friends will remember this gesture like I still remember the Dimitris 10 years later.

Potluck Futoor

If you’re family is anything like mine, there’s always one person who’s craving something not on the table tonight. To satisfy them, and everyone for that matter, hold a potluck where everyone in the family gets one dish they are truly craving. It doesn’t matter if they cooked it or bought it, the only rule is you get ONE dish. This trick guarantees a complaint-free futoor.

Family Futoor

We know family futoor is a bit redundant since futoors by default are family futoors, but this one is different. This is eating with a purpose. All families are both similar and different. One thing that is universal however is that someone in your circle of family and friends is probably missing the presence of a loved one.  Ramadan can be the time where presences are most noticed and also most missed. If you know someone who might be missing someone for Ramadan, get your family and visit them. You might not be able to replace the missing person, but a few extra faces might help remind them of who’s still around.


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