Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Vitamins: Shoulds and Should Nots

Vitamins: Shoulds and Should Nots

We all have to resort to vitamin supplements at some point in our lives. While they are primarily taken to enhance our health, there a few rules when it comes to taking these supplements and they are as follows:


Choose wisely:
Always ask for more information on the vitamins you are buying.

Follow the instructions:
This may seem like an obvious point but many people overlook it in overconfidence.

Pair your vitamins with the right food and medication.
Pair your vitamins up with foods that compliment the supplements, helping your body absorb all the essential nutrients required per meal. Also, if you’re on medication, you need to make sure you can take your supplements by referring to your doctor.

Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or a smoker.
Some specific vitamins are harmful to your body if taken when pregnant or smoking.


Take your supplements with tea or coffee:
The caffeine prevents the body from absorbing the nutrients from the vitamins.

Take a very high or low dosage:
It’s imperative to take the right amount of supplements in a day. Those extra vitamins can actually harm your body.

Expose them to excessive heat and light.
The ideal conditions for supplements are cool, dark places.

Assume all supplements are the same:
There are a variety of brands with different consistence of nutrients, so always consult and ask before deciding on your brand. Some reliable places to buy vitamins in Saudi Arabia include:

Al Nahdi Pharmacies
GNC outlets
Danube Shopping Center



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