Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Undeniable Chemistry: Creating for the people with Lub Creative

Undeniable Chemistry: Creating for the people with Lub Creative

Let us get started. White walls, passionate minds, and unrestrained creativity… Okay, okay, we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Let us go back to the beginning… When I joined Rumman Company, I was ready to be a great writer, taking on the world with my words. Armed with a keyboard, a computer, and the misconception that I knew everything about everything; then I entered Lub Creative offices. There’s an undeniable chemistry between the creatives, a familial comfort, and a friendly atmosphere that attracts everyone who walks through our doors, almost instantly.

Destination KSA is one of many projects developed and designed by Lub Creative under the umbrella of Rumman Co.

So, I did what anyone in my position would do, I pulled up my big girl pants and set out to learn all there is to know about the creative advertising industry, and who better to help me on this journey than the creative minds of Lub Creative?

The first revelation was learning that there’s a difference between a creative agency and a creative advertising agency. A big difference!


Heba AlSafwani resident Lub Creative walking encyclopedia helped explain this further “As an advertising agency, we’re not just about the look; we’re about the hook that draws people in. We study, create, and plan; there’s a method to our madness.”

→ She offered me an opportunity to attend a project briefing meeting with her.  She offered me an opportunity to attend a project briefing meeting with her.

Walking into the meeting room, I could already feel the anticipation as project manager, Mayda Hashani, began briefing us about a campaign to be produced for the Saudi Ministry of Tourism, Saudi Seasons. She explained the requirements, timeline, and other specifications. Everyone was motivated and had a collective understanding;

We will come together creatively to use our combined insights to create impact and effect.dsc_0699-copy-2

Fast forward about a month, and after countless brainstorming meetings, research, conceptualization, design, and execution, we not only won
the pitch, we developed and executed the project.

“It was our unique activation strategy that did it! The client loved that we created something that went beyond the brief, and captivated audiences on multiple platforms simultaneously, creating the impact they hoped for. ˮ Mayda Hashani

My curiosity got the better of me. I asked her to expand on that, to which she said, “Concepts create connections, but excellence in execution is what builds a show-stopping power.”


This is just one example of the various campaigns Lub Creative has worked on. The same determination has been employed in various campaigns for the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Culture, Abdullatif Jameel, Saudi National Bank, Saudia Airlines, Goody Kitchen, MDLbeast, Lomar, and numerous others. Campaigns are the only projects Lub Creative works on; that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Any agency can build a brand, but it takes a specific set of skills to create communication that resonates. Senior Art Director Joudi Sabra expanded on how that can be achieved, “It is imperative to dissect the brand before designing it; to understand its essence before going into the execution. This helps guide the creativity to make something that speaks to audiences and stays true to the brand, no matter the scope.” 

Today, we are surrounded by advertising, from billboards and television ads to phones and social media. As someone who enjoys using social media, I was pleasantly surprised to learn all that goes into creating content for brands — this is also one of the services that Lub Creative provides.20211104_143752-copy

Areej Alhamedi, a project manager who specializes in social media, said, “Everyone everywhere in the world is on social media all the time. If we want to target certain audience segments, we have to understand their unique social behavior, create a strategy accordingly, and activate it on the platforms they’re always on.”

Sprout Social: Social Media Managers’ favorite app is a social media management and intelligence tool that helps manage conversations and uncover actionable insights that have a genuine business impact.

Another revelation for me: ads are not just pretty designs and clever copy. Powerful advertising is not about selling something, it’s about creating connections with audiences, insights with industries, and overall, a meaning that lives on. When it comes to advertising, learning doesn’t cease.

The essence of Lub Creative goes beyond its projects, and into the process, and partners. I learned that an ad can speak without talking, appeal the order, and connect with insight. Every day, as I enter Lub Creative, I am hit with a sense of familiarity amongst the good morning and the Sabhal Nour’s, which I brought up in a conversation with Maria Mahdaly, founder and CEO of Lub Creative, to which she said, “Lub aims to build a collective of creatives and collaborate to drive the local industry to achieve global recognition.”

The Players

*These are just a few great minds working with Lub Creative.

2-copyMayda Hashani
Clear Client Communication
is her game.

1-copyMohamed Haroon
Crosses the goal line by
always submitting on time.

5-copyHeba AlSafwani
Arabic or English always gets
the ball rolling.

3-copyJoudi Sabra
Holds all the aces regarding
visual concepts.

4-copyJasteen Javina
Always ready to Take one
for the team.

“Lub aims to build a collective of creatives and collaborate to drive the local industry to achieve global recognition.”

Who knew all a creative advertising agency could do?

  1. 360 campaigns and marketing plans
  2. Creative communication strategies
  3. Digital and social media strategies
  4. Content development and editorial
  5. Social media content and photography
  6. Brand creation and identity design
  7. Photography and art direction
  8. Event conception and management
  9. Videography and filmmaking

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