Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Two is Better Than One

Two is Better Than One

Our guide to classic food combinations.

Twix + Arabic Coffee

coffee-and-twix-riyadh-april-2017-as1Yaas! If there was perfect harmonious combination of the West and the Middle East, it’s this one right here. Politics aside, this staple is the closest second to the all time champion combination: dates and Arabic coffee. The genius idea of using a Twix bar as a chocolatey straw is the key to this combo. The hot and bitter arabic coffee runs through the bar and soaks up some of its sweetness while also simultaneously melting the center of the Twix bar and counter pollinating it with its bitterness is work of true art. To the pioneers of this phenomenon, whoever you may be, we tip our shmaghs to you.

Sambosa + Soup

sambosa-soup1Unexplainably a Ramadan classic, this combo is a favorite across the board. Some prefer to dip cheese sambosas in soup, while others prefer chicken/meat sambosas. It’s essentially our version of soup and crackers. Side note: For some reason, this combination tastes best with soups that aren’t white. You know what they say: The redder the soup, the better the goup, right? Okay, no one says that, but it’s still valid.

Vimto + Sparkling Apple Juice

vimtoapple-riyadh-april-2017-as2It’s a Ramadan classic, with a little kick. The sparkling apple juice gives it a tanginess that makes it perfect, especially if you want to add in chunks of fresh fruits. If you’re a fan of Saudi champagne, you’ll love this. Shall we call this one Saudi wine?

Dates + Cream (gishta)dates-cream-riyadh-april-2017-as3

This is a breakfast classic in the Middle East. The cold creaminess of the gishta mix in with the taste of dates to produce a sweet yoghurt like treat in every bite. If you love dates, this combination is not stranger to you.

Cheese + Honey

cheese-and-honey-riyadh-april-2017-as1There are different versions of this combination across the world. Many countries, Middle Eastern or otherwise, have their own takes on this. It further proves that cheese is an easy and obvious choice for a sweet or a savory palate. Whether you like to wrap whatever cheese you choose (hehe) in bread or prefer it to be just straight up cheese and honey, we’ll eat it. Kunafa the cheese or deep-fry it, with some honey on the side everything is acceptable.

Childhood Classic: Oreos + Milk

oreo-mousse-riyadh-april-2017-as1Ah, yes! No matter where you’re from, you’ve surely twisted, licked it and dunked it before. But how about a twist on a classic. If you boil a tiny bit of milk in a saucer, then add crushed up Oreos and let reach the texture you want, you’ve got yourself an Oreo mousse! Add crushed up Oreos on the top of your serving cup and you’re set. DR Tip: Chocolate Oreos make really good mousse.


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