If you are looking to change your life and embark on a healthy path but need guidance, then worry not. We give you a list of top notch diet centers that will be able to manage you diet and make sure you follow it without any glitches.

Slim Diet
This diet center is located at Al Salamh Dist. on Saqr Quraysh St. It was first established in 2011. It aims presenting a healthy and notoriousness guideline for its clients.
Services: The center offers 2 different programs, both for the duration of 28 days.
- With a Diet Specialist: This program includes 4 visits to the center, the free delivery of breakfast, lunch and dinner meals. The menu changes every week.
28 days: SR 1,950
3 months: SR 4,950 - Without a Diet Specialist: In this program, the client’s needed calories will be set, however no visits to the specialist will be made. Women need about 1,200 cal. and men 1,500 cal.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals will be provided, along with a menu change every week.
With delivery: SR 1,750
Without delivery: SR 1,600
Special offers for Gold’s Gym member and for hospitals, banks and Saudi airlines.
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Regime Center
Located in Rawdah Dist.- Al Khaldeya, Regime Center offers diet services for a monthly fee of SR 1,950. The services include meetings with the specialist and the usage of a special device that calculates fat. The program provides the three meals of course along with a change in menu every week. It is estimated that weight will drop from 4-7 kilos during this month.
Special discounts for groups:
2 persons and above à SR 1,850
3 persons and above à SR 1,750
Special discounts for Saudi airlines and Bin Laden group.
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Diet Center
Diet Center can be found on Tahlia St. behind STC with a great scope of services to ensure its clients health. Its program is for 28 days with sessions with the specialist. A body composition analysis test is repeated once every month to show changes in body fat, muscles and fluids. Breakfast, lunch and dinner meals are delivered to the door. The service costs SR 2,450 for 28 days; in case of a renewal it will cost SR 2,200.
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Diet World
Diet World located on Tahliya St. near Al Nahdi Pharmacy delivers the meals to the door. Clients can participate in the program for 28 days with access to visits to the dietician. Fees are SR 2,250.
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Cambridge Weight Plan
Following the British weight plan system, Cambridge Weight Plan offers its clients 6 levels. Each level shows the needed calorie intake for every person; after meeting with the specialist, the client will be placed in the suitable level. The program can be for either a month or 10 days. The fees range from SR 790 to SR 1,690; an observation fee of 200 has to be made first. The clients will then be provided with the proper amount of oats, diet milkshakes, chocolates and soup that they will prepare at home.
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