By Reema Al Rashed AlHumaid and Jou Pabalate
Don’t overaccessorize.
It’s one thing to choose an abaya that shows a bit of personality and pizzazz, another when you’re matching ruffles with stripes and oh, let’s throw in a bit of beading here and there. If you’re a fan of accents, stick to one.
Colored Abayas.
There’s nothing wrong with them. There are instances where black is more appropriate – read: funerals (a’aza). Can you get hassled in public for wearing them? Possibly, in certain crowds and settings.
Fitted and Shear Abayas don’t make sense and defeats the purpose.
Know your Fabrics.
Light ones for summer and wool for winter. You can even wear a brown or black farwa if the weather is really that cold.
Mix and Match your tarhas, especially applicable if you’re wearing colored ones.
If you can’t find anything you like, design your own.
Got to “Dakheel” for fabrics, sketch up your design and give it to a tailor. It can save you some moola too.
Fabrics can cost anywhere between SR 30 – SR 100 per meter.
Tailors should charge you anywhere between a 100 to 200.
Anymore and you’re probably getting played.
Buy from the store but have it tailored.
Customize your Abayas, you can put a pocket (best thing ever), add a zipper if you hate it opening all the time or even turn it into a hoodie.
Head to Taibah or Royal Mall for affordable but good abaya.
It really depends on how well you know your materials. SR 100 – 300 (if it’s really cool), anything above, if it’s retail anyway… you’re prolly getting ripped off. Just make your own.