Chiva Som Hua Hin, Thailand
Chiva Som resort is serene and minimalist, with handkerchief lawns and huge banyan trees, public spaces dotted with gorgeous displays of orchids, and staff dressed in traditional costume. The regular bespoke 5, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 28 day detox retreats are recommended – Chiva Som therapists are experts at colonic hydrotherapy and the Thai abdominal massage, Chi Nei Tsang. The five-night package includes a three day monitored cleanse, herbal detox supplements, a cleansing cocoon, a Chi Nei Tsang and a physical analysis to see where you might be nutritionally deficient. If you want colonic hydrotherapy, go for a 7 night Total Detox package, which includes three sessions.

Camp Eden, Australia
Camp Eden is located on 290 acres of tropical rainforest in Queensland’s Currumbin Valley. The luxury spa incorporates ecologically sensitive accommodation and offers four lifestyle enhancement packages: weight management, personal development, indulgence and changing habits. Activities include abseiling, tribal dance class, volleyball and laughing yoga.

The Farm at San Benito, Philippines
Signature treatments, such as “Infusion Therapy,” in which wheat grass and aloe vera are used to cleanse the digestive tract, and the “Magnetic Clay Foot Bath,” which draws out toxins from the body, offer alternatives to traditional colonics and liver-cleansing treatments.

Sanoviv Medical Institute, Mexico
Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico blends state-of-the-art 21st century medicine with an upscale luxury atmosphere. They treat many auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Along with ocean-front accommodation and 100 per cent organic meals, guests are provided with natural-fibre clothing so the suitcase can be left at home.