Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

The Smooth Strokes: Abdulmohsen Alrowais

The Smooth Strokes: Abdulmohsen Alrowais

Inspired by the different shapes in his surroundings, Abdulmohsen asks himself why certain shapes have been developed in specific ways, and from this, he has curated many imagined shapes and patterns that he has turned into artwork.

His focus on shapes first emerged from experimenting with merely marking his school books by drawing lines and dots with a black pen, which later developed into the source behind his inspiration. 

Abdulmohsen is currently working on a collection titled Memories Collection in collaboration with wood artist Mohammed Alnujam, which revolves around memories and asking oneself if memories can be controlled. 

Abdulmohsen hopes to continue to deliver more messages through his art and inspire others to do the same. 



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