Because we all need a master Yoda.
Chris Myers, a contributor to Forbes magazine, hands-down claimed that procuring the right mentorship is the best path to having a successful career. In the evolving times when climbing the ladder of success has become the norm whether it be in the societal level, or the professional world, a few guidelines to paddle through can go a long way.
Destination has summed up for you the topmost mentorship programs offered in the city that will indisputably accelerate your growth process.
ENDEAVOR Saudi Arabia
Having a team of refined, high-impact entrepreneurs as your mentors can certainly take you to great places. ENDEAVOR is a leading organization that is committed to selecting, mentoring and accelerating the growth of the finest entrepreneurs around the world. If you are looking to revive your business and accelerate its growth, check them out.
Get in touch:
Instagram: endeavorsaudi
Saudi Mentorship
A group of Saudis who’ve received their degrees in the US came together to give back to the community by guiding young minds through the admission of US universities. With a team of brilliant mentors who provide hands-on training and familiarize the students with the academic settings in the US, they help make the process easier.
Get in touch:
Instagram: sacmmentors
InspireU is an STC initiative focused on mentoring idea-driven, hardworking and forward-looking individuals in the digital/ICT world. All they require is for you to have an idea worth building upon, and have a passionate soul that just has a thing for problem-solving. If you are in Riyadh, and are willing to build your novel idea, then get in touch with InspireU.
Get in touch:
Instagram: inspireu_stc
Alf Khair
Alf Khair is a social enterprise initiated by Princess Reema Bint Bandar in 2013. Ever since its inception, they’ve been working stalwartly with the community to establish a better understanding of the organizational culture, and mentoring the next-gen entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that would have dual impact, that is, a Saudi and a global one. They have several initiatives, such as Alf Darb (which focuses on providing opportunities to craft the entrepreneurial journey by offering hands-on training and intensive mentorship), and Alf Hewar (a discussion held by optimum entrepreneurs to create networking opportunities and entrepreneurial awareness).
Get in touch:
Instagram: alfkhair
BADIR program
Business incubators serve as the ultimate support system that enables young minds to transform their creative ideas into an actuated reality. BADIR is a technology incubator program initiated by KACST in 2007. The word BADIR means ‘initiate’ and this program aims at helping startups accelerate their growth pace. BADIR invites all startups with innovative, vibrant, and phenomenal ideas, to get in touch with them so as to transform these ideas into successful enterprises.
Get in touch:
Instagram: badirprogram