Would you look at that? We’re already at the tail of October and pretty soon it’ll be hello Sweet November.
Riyadhis are bound to make the most out of the inbetween of seasons— that precious 2-3 week window when the city’s weather is just oh so perfect. So, now that you can’t use the “It’s too hot to go out” excuse, we thought we’d give you a to do list that’s all about enjoying cool Riyadh breeze.
Or jog? Walk? Stroll? Eeenie Minnie Mo… your pick, for as long as you’re moving, we’re rooting you on! Take out those dusty sneakers, (to er, get them dustier) and take a stroll. Don’t know where to do your running? Then this should help:
The Best Jogging Spots in Riyadh
Catching the tail end of Summer is… *drum roll* AMARINO. Yes, this gelato supposedly so good people are having it for breakfast. And Amorino social media dude… we love your reasoning. We’re going to get along.
With the days just the right amount of sunny and the eves, just the right amount of cool, who wouldn’t love a meal under the moonlight and sunbeams? We’re sure a lot of you have missed eating outside without melting so, why not spread a bit of cheer and practice your hosting skills:
Dining Al Fresco
Fancy a weekend in-city excursion? take a short ride to Wadi Hanifa, just park and enjoy the awesome scenery this area has to offer.
P.S. A friendly reminder, please don’t litter. Wadi Hanifa is free for all so do your part in keeping it a clean, fun and enjoyable nature space to go to not just for you but for everyone.
Wadi Hanifa Riyadhis Favorite Escapade
Football Lovers Unite!
Legends are coming to town, at the King Fahad Stadium no less. Legends classico is happening this 29th of October. Barcelona and Madrid fans shouldn’t miss this historical match complete with a beat box show and Saudi football freestylers in toe.
Have you seen these on the streets of Riyadh? At first we were wondering if it was some transdimensional poll (we love our sci fi conspiracies.sshh.) but turns out, it’s a charging station. Maybe it’ll come in handy when… uhm… your phone is out of juice and you don’t have a car, don’t have a battery pack, and for some reason stuck on Tahliya and everything is closed? Either way, they’re pretty cool so let’s leave it at that.