Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

The Drink A-List

The Drink A-List

As the drinks prepare to take center stage, we take a look at how these stars made it.

Banana Nut Smoothie (Freshi)

img_9494This smoothie is the Sean Penn of drinks. It’s dramatic and gets you. Inconspicuous in appearance, mostly just bland white with freckles, but has the ability to fill you up completely.

Location: Hittin Plaza, Prince Turki Ibn Abdulaziz Al Awwal Rd.
Tel: +966-11-4155538

Orange Zinger & Mighty Detox (Freshi)

img_9523Ah the Olsen Twins. These two lovelies have a lot of accomplishments to their name. Though they might not look all that great to everyone, they’re beautiful on the inside. Carrots and orange is, like Full House, a childhood classic and the addition of ginger is a welcomed twist (* coughs * Fuller House). The Detox, pineapple, green apple, celery, ginger and cucumber, is as refreshing as a facial, but for your innards.

Location: Arcadia Plaza, Makkah Al Mukarramah Branch Rd.

The Fizzler Collection

img_9460Here we have some models from Mol10 showcasing the sunset cruise part of the collection. Available in several colors from numerous outlets, this tangy collection is appropriate for hot summer days where juice just doesn’t cut it.

Location: Arcadia Plaza, Makkah Al Mukarramah Rd.
Mob: +966-55628949

Popcorn Iced Latte (Nabt Fenjan)

img_1290This is Jaden Smith’s spirit drink. When this drink shows up on the red carpet (i.e. your table) you’re like “Whaat?” But hey, you can’t fault its originality.

Location: Uthman Ibn Affan Road
Mob: +966-555405882

Signature (Signature)

signature-riyadh-july-summer-jpThis is probably the most instagramable drink in Riyadh. The Kim-Kay of drinks maybe? It’s thick and appears on everyone’s timeline.

Drinks to Im-PRESS

The Cooper

img_9534Very well respected and loved, this drink is poses difficult questions like what happens when you mix bananas, biscuits and vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. Much like the real Anderson Cooper, this drink all white decorated with black (that tight black t-shirt anyone?). Be warned: This drink is not for the weak stomached. It’s pretty heavy.

The Turki Al Dakheel

img_9565It’s a caramel date frozen yoghurt smoothie. A classic Saudi flavor: laban and dates. This drink is hard to perfect, but when you do, it’ll definitely stand out as a trusty go to.


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