Breast Cancer Awareness activities
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month (but also throughout the year!), we at Destination Jeddah like to emphasize the importance of early breast cancer detection to our readers. There are many different ways you can learn more about it while supporting breast cancer patients and survivors in city. Here are some of them.
Get checked!
- The International Medical Center (IMC) is helping out with early breast cancer detection: from Oct. 23-25, they’re offering free check-ups.
- Eric Zemmour Salon is hosting a screening offer for free check-ups valid until the end of October.
Make a run for it.
- The Pink Track is inviting you for a run-for-awareness event. Tickets are SR 50 each for adults (kids join free), and all proceeds are donations to breast cancer initiatives.
For more information
Instagram: thetrackjeddah_official
- The International Medical Center (IMC) is hosting another event called Brave Pink Run to help out our fighters on Oct. 25 at the IMC Garden, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Don’t miss out!
To register
Instagram: theimc_jeddah
Visit an art gallery.
The New Beginnings team is welcoming everyone for a cool art show focusing on rehabilitation after breast cancer. Visit the gallery on Oct. 27-28 at Teatro Mall, from 7 to 11 p.m.
Contact info
Twitter: nbksa_official
Instagram: nbksa_official
Donate your hair.
Zahra Breast Cancer Association is teaming up with Manna Center to accept hair donations. A checklist to get your donation accepted:
- Must be clean.
- Length 20 cm minimum.
- Shouldn’t be conditioned.
- Should be healthy and strong.
Contact info
Instagram: Zahra_KSA
Instagram: MannaCenter
Donate your time and money.
You can help out with cash donations, utilizing the points system at the association or one of the offices related to the organization, and buying pink products available for sale at the Zahra headquarters and website.
Contact info
Mob: +966-11-4833652 Ext: 206
Instagram: Zahra_KSA
Twitter: Zahra_KSA