Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Simply Suhoor

Simply Suhoor

By Zonaira Chaudry

Go-to guide for a quick and easy suhoor.

What’s one of your worst fears in Ramadan? If you’re like us, it’s not waking up for suhoor or just waking up five minutes before dawn with no time to prepare something to eat. Well, here are a few quick, power food ideas for your next fuss-free scrumptious and fulfilling suhoor:simplysuhoor_khobar_2017_aa-2


Oatmeal, being low in fat and a rich in fiber is a quick and healthy choice before fasting. You can make it the evening before, store it in the fridge and heat it when required. For extra taste and texture, add some berries or nuts on top. You can also opt for Instant oatmeal; just mix it with some milk, heat it and it’s ready!



A favorite breakfast, eggs are an inexpensive and nutritious alternative that can be made in a variety of ways. From omelets to scrambled and hard-boiled to sunny side up, the choice is yours. Eat it alone or pair it with some leftover salad for a yummy, healthy and smart meal.

Pro tip: Boil eggs the previous night for a super fast option.



Middle Eastern mezze is famous all over the world. When you’re pressed for time, this is an excellent alternative for suhoor that lets you avoid any cooking stress. Enjoy humus, labnah with olives and pita bread and you are good to go.

If you don’t mind a very quick bout of cooking, toss in some foul for the full mezze experience.


Peanut Butter:

This healthy fat makes for an amazingly quick and easy meal. Spread two tablespoons of peanut butter on whole wheat bread and garnish it with some sliced bananas, apples or strawberries. A mouthful of deliciousness and satisfaction guaranteed for an entire day. What more could anyone want?



A favorite tried and true pre-dawn meal. It’ll keep you energized and full throughout the day. Eat it on its own or chop in some fruit or dates for an enhanced tangy taste! If all else fails, there is always flavored yoghurt to turn to.

Happy suhooring!


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