Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Sculptures of Light Draw the Skies Above the Ancient UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hegra in AlUla, the Majestic Desert City in Northwest Arabia

Sculptures of Light Draw the Skies Above the Ancient UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hegra in AlUla, the Majestic Desert City in Northwest Arabia

An impressive drawing of light made by drones, creating an illusion of light at Hegra’s Drone Light Show.

The show took place in AlUla in the Northwest of Saudi Arabia on 13, 14, 15th of October 2022 to mark the end of AlUla Wellness Festival, the first of a series of festivals and events forming together AlUla Moments Calendar.

A drawing of a flying falcon above the Tomb of Lyhian Son of Kuza at Hegra, the first UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hegra’s Drone Light Show explores the origins and beauty of light in its purest form through a performative artwork at the intersection of technology where luminous drones will fly in the dark sky of AlUla to create a flying sculpture accompanied with music.


A celebration of light draws above Hegra, the UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Northwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Hegra’s Drone Light Show explores the origins and beauty of light in its purest form. Light is the cornerstone of wellness, powering minds and bodies.

4-hegra-drone-show-alula-moments-12-10-2022-sg_5a_0060The light show marks the end of AlUla Wellness Festival, which is the first of a series of festivals and events forming together AlUla Moments Calendar.


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