As you look through the window of your car, you might have seen a fleet of giant orange buses with its 3 doors and a black SAPTCO sign written on its side. The Saudi Public Transport Company acronym might ring a bell regarding the infamous Jeddah-Metro, but with its 1120,000,000 capital, it offers more. The company’s vision is bringing the Kingdom’s edges closer, and along with the promised metro, a network of buses is going into action. Though it is yet to be fully established, the mission is in action, and here is what Jeddah needs to know.
The SAPTCO public buses divide into five:

Inter-City buses:
They connect over 385 cities, villages and small villages all over the Kingdom.
You can book tickets from, online, phone, or designated offices around all cities.
Passengers are allowed single bags up to 75KG for adult tickets and 35KG for children tickets (charges apply for excess weight).
Special needs access available, with a travel permit allowed for a companion (disability identification needed).
Passenger documents required, with regards to visa regulations, visit this page for more information.

Urban Buses within Jeddah
Tickets cost SR 2.
Tickets can be purchased at the bus station or paid on the bus within entry.
Buses have three doors, with one especially for women with special seating up front and fair box; the back door is for families; and middle door for singles.
All buses are air-conditioned.
Buses stop at: Al Balad, Madinah St., Square bridge, Khaldiyah circle, Khaldiyah Saudi Airlines, Kayal market, Rawdah St., Salamah St., Al Zahrah Dist., Saudi German Hospital, Makkah Rd., Kandarah Dist., Al Ashrafiyah, Siteen St., Palestine St., Arbaeen St., Vegetable market, Sultan bin Salman St. and Sinaeya.
Location: AlBalad
Tell: +966-12-6481419

International buses:
Reach neighboring countries with direct trips to UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt and Jordan.
Trips to Egypt and Sudan available with connecting ferries.
Tickets available online, bus stations, or by calling 8001249999 (self service machines available for Qatar and UAE trips)
Regulations available here.

Education buses:
Transport to schools and universities (public or private) available.
Check with schools and universities for availability.

VIP buses:
Higher luxury, more comfortable buses available on theses routes:
Makkah – Madinah
Jeddah – Madinah
Riyadh – Al-Khobar
Riyadh – Bahrain.
Bookings available online, phone, or office in Eiffel Hotel.
Safe travel, and for more information visit, or call Tel: +966-11-2884400 -