By Sumaiyya Naseem
Plastics are awful for the environment. They’re non-biodegradable. This means the plastics you used in your lifetime will remain plastics long after your great-great-great-grandchildren have had their own children.
So we need to cut down our usage of plastics for the sake of the environment and the future.
Here’s what you can do:
1. Opt for glad or stainless steel water bottles
You’ll need water all day and we tend to buy plastic bottles or the water bottles from the store. Get an alternative water carrier instead.

2. No plastic bags at the checkout
Supermarkets in Saudi Arabia are flooded with plastic bags at the checkouts. Sometimes they put just a couple of items in one plastic bag and then move on to the next. Every Saudi Arabian home has a corner with piles of plastic bags waiting to be used or thrown away. The solution? Take a reusable carry bag with you to the store.

3. Replace your plastics containers
We and our Moms love buying plastic containers because they come in all sorts of sizes. Replace those containers with glass or silicone containers. You could also look for stainless steel ones.

4. Say no to straws
That’s it. It’s very simple. No straws, no problem.

5. Don’t buy exfoliators which contain polyethylene Microbeads
These are actually tiny plastics beads which are a large issue for the ocean. Make your own scrub using sugar, cocoa powder and honey instead.

6. No more disposable razors
Buy a razor which allows you to change the blades instead.

7. Buy eggs in paper containers
You’ll see the eggs in paper trays and the ones in plastic ones. You know which ones to get!
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8. Take your own cup to Starbucks
The paper cups have plastics lids which you need to avoid.

9. Say yes to milk in paper cartons
Switch to buying milk cartons instead of milk in plastic bottles.

10. Avoid products which are packaged in plastics
This will be difficult but also a big step for your health and for the environment. Go for alternatives or make your own. For example: Instead of buying bread packaged in plastic, make your own bread or buy from a bakery which sells it in paper bags.
Read more about: Review- Flourish Bakery

11. Buy powder detergents
These are usually packed in cardboard cartons and the liquid varieties come in plastic bottles.

Are you living green?! Share your tips and ideas with us in the comments below!