Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Pre-Ramadan Checklist

Pre-Ramadan Checklist
Ramadan is just a few days away and it’s time to get everything done and out of the way so you can dedicate every single day of the blessed month to earning good deeds.

1. Quick meals


There’s nothing worse than slaving away in the kitchen while you’re fasting, especially in this heat! Aim to have as many meals and snacks in the freezer as possible and spend only a maximum of an hour in the kitchen every day. If you have younger kids who will be eating throughout the day, try to reheat iftar leftovers for lunch. Make a meal plan for each day so you can prep in advance and don’t waste any time thinking about what to cook for the day.

2. Shop now


Get all your groceries for the month from now, replenish your wardrobe needs and make a list of Eid presents you need to get. Here are four brands to get you started: 4 brands from Purple Expo that are perfect for Eid and Ramadan

3. Write down your spiritual goals


The point of doing all these chores in advance is to make sure you have enough time to set and reach your spiritual goals. So write down everything you want to achieve in this month: Will you complete the Quran? Are there other books that you would like to read? What would you like to learn about in depth? How much can you memorize in a month? Give yourself a daily goal, print it out and stick it on your wall so you never forget. Nothing beats the feeling of checking off an accomplished goal.

4. Ramadan cleaning!

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This is the perfect time to deep clean and declutter your home, making it one less thing to worry about. Make a list of everything you need to do, such as change curtains, wash carpets, reorganize wardrobes and cabinets, etc. and dedicate a task to each day. Declutter and donate the things you don’t need. Start earning those good deeds now!

5. Start now, start slow


Start building up your routine for Ramadan. Ease into your spiritual goals – start reading Quran every day, learn more about Ramadan and other aspects of Islam. Change up some of your routine habits too – cut down on coffee if you drink it and cigarettes if you smoke, sleep on time and wake up for tahajjud. If you think fasting may be hard for you, start fasting voluntarily now to build up your stamina.

6. Celebrate Ramadan and Eid to the max


Get the kids involved and excited about Ramadan – let them help in the food prep and décor and start a Ramadan countdown with them. Take them shopping for their Eid outfits and make sure you have presents ready. Talk to them about the spiritual aspect of fasting and ease them into the routine.


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