Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Quarantine To-Do List

Quarantine To-Do List

Staying safe never meant staying dull.

In the midst of a global crisis, it’s important to stay sane with those you’re kind of stuck with. Take this pandemic as a chance to slow down and do things you’ve been putting off. Here is a list that has helped the Destination team cope with the current situation.

1. Learn to Meditate

Before attempting to do anything, it’s best to practice putting your anxiety to rest during this time. Deep breathing and meditation are  known stress relievers, so while at home, it’s best to give yourself the time to put these into practice. There are endless apps and YouTube videos that will help take you through the process. If you are a beginner, download the Calm app for a guided session.

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2. Binge Watch Your Eyes Out

Anyone else have a long list of TV shows they’ve been meaning to watch but have had no time for? Well… the time has come! Turn to Tilfaz’s Six Windows In The Desert for entertainment, and don’t be afraid to indulge in a mix of cultures, genres and other people’s well-exaggerated problems.

3. Gaming Galore

Pull out those dusty board games and have some family fun! I would have to say that our favorite games these past few days have been Uno, Pictionary, and Saudi Deal. If the competitiveness starts to drive you and (most likely) your siblings apart, lock yourself away with some good old video games. A little Mario Kart and Black Ops never hurt no one.

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4. Podcasts and Chill

Do a lightweight activity while listening to different podcasts, this may include cleaning your room, or sitting and drawing. The top three podcasts we recommend at the moment are Nouf Hakeem, Ways To Change The World with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, and Aswat: Voices of Arabia.


5. Read A Book or Two

When we were younger, we would run away from our reading assignments, and when we got older, we crave for a moment of uninterrupted reading. Now’s your chance to grab that book that’s been sitting on your shelf for months and just read. The book we’re loving at the moment is The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. We may be a little late to the party, but you know what, better late than never.



6. Declutter Already!

After taking the time to declutter your mind, now take the time to declutter your home. Do this by following these very simple instructions.

      • Step 1: Binge watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
      • Step 2: Take notes
      • Step 3: Tidy up like Marie Kondo

For some more local inspiration, follow Sorted on Instagram and thank us later.


7. Homemade Fitness Time

Now that gyms are out, it’s important we stay active at home not only for our physical health, but our mental health as well. It’s advisable to watch Youtube videos that contain workouts without weights or equipment (for those who don’t have access at the time). Coach Muna is a local coach who is currently posting easy-to-follow workout videos on her Instagram page.

8. As Rihanna says: Work Work Work Work Work Work

For those of us working from home, it’s important not to lose your routine or momentum. A few things to make sure you stay productive is waking up early, isolating yourself, and most importantly staying in contact with your coworkers. It is advised to start first thing in the morning as to not get distracted by other things as the day goes by. Zoom and Slack have been very helpful in making sure communication is not lost during this time.


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