Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Be Optimistic

Be Optimistic
By Sarah Alruwaily and Nada Megbil

If pessimistic thoughts and actions persist, they could be the roots to future problems. Who knew being optimistically happy would be the world’s cure?

‘Urwah ibn Al Zubair (ra) had to have his leg amputated.
While a friend was visiting him, he said, “If you came to give me condolence for the loss of my leg, I already submitted to Allah with patience to reward me for its loss.” But the guest told him, “I came to inform you that your son fell down in a stable, the animal stepped over him and he passed away.”

He said: “Oh Allah! You took one child, and left me many. You took one organ from my body, and left me many organs. Oh Allah! You tested me with my body, and you were kind to leave me with good health. You tested me with the loss of my son, but you were kind in leaving me the rest of my children.”

Everybody has the ability to change the way they think.
A simple alteration to your thinking style can go a long way to improving yourself. Optimism describes how a person is always looking for the best in any situation and expecting good things to happen.

See, it’s easy to hate and take out your anger on the world.
What’s difficult is searching through the hatred for that one silver lining, bottling up that anger inside of you and locking it up in your mental basement. It may seem hopeless at times to put in effort to operate that hint of optimism in yourself but what if I said all your problems would shrink if you initialized your optimistic filter?

Findings from a Dutch study, which was focused on the relationship between optimism and depression, showed that when compared to optimists, pessimists were more likely to develop depressive disorders. Other studies showed a correlation between pessimism and lower resistance to stress, lower quantities of motivation and lower overall life satisfaction. Mental health is the most obvious influence of mentality.


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