In a bid to address a pressing societal concern, Namaa Charity is spearheading a groundbreaking campaign aimed at illuminating the critical role of discipline in combating the cycle of neediness.
Scheduled to launch on December 4, 2023, this innovative initiative seeks to instill the value of discipline across diverse segments of society, promising far-reaching impact.

Campaign Objectives:
The campaign’s primary objectives are as multifaceted as they are crucial:
- Unveiling the Impact of Discipline’s Absence: Central to this initiative is an in-depth exploration of the profound consequences stemming from the absence of discipline. The campaign aims to elucidate how this absence contributes significantly to perpetuating the cycle of neediness within communities.
- Instilling Discipline in Youth: A cornerstone of the campaign involves cultivating the essence of discipline in young individuals. This encompasses fostering academic diligence, nurturing respect for educational institutions, and encouraging the conscientious completion of assignments.
- Empowering through Discipline: Another pivotal aspect is the promotion of discipline as a catalyst for personal effort and the pursuit of dignified livelihoods. By highlighting its intrinsic value, the campaign aims to inspire individuals to harness discipline as a means of personal empowerment.
- Safeguarding Communities: Recognizing the perils of improper behavioral patterns, the campaign endeavors to shield communities from succumbing to neediness by advocating for disciplined lifestyles.

Target Audience:
Namaa Charity’s campaign casts a wide net, targeting a diverse array of societal stakeholders:
- Educators and teachers
- Individuals susceptible to neediness
- Employees representing various industries
- Parents, families, and students
- The general public at large
Campaign Hashtag:
#بدايتها_كذا (Its Start Like This)

Launching Strategy:
The campaign’s launch is slated to commence with a high-profile event on December 4, 2023. The organization has meticulously orchestrated this event to garner maximum attention and engagement. The proceedings will be televised, ensuring extensive coverage, and members of the press have been invited to witness and report on this pivotal occasion.
The event itinerary is designed to offer a comprehensive introduction to the campaign’s ethos. It will commence with an address by the Namaa Organization, setting the stage for a profound discourse on the campaign’s overarching goals.
Prince Saud Bin Jalwi, a key figure, will deliver the inaugural speech, marking the official commencement of the campaign. A centerpiece of the event will be the unveiling of a compelling campaign video, meticulously crafted to encapsulate the urgency and importance of embracing discipline.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage with a visual exhibition, providing a deeper insight into the campaign’s core message and strategies.

Namaa Charity’s forthcoming campaign stands as a beacon of hope, poised to reshape mindsets, elevate societal consciousness, and pave the way for a community marked by discipline, dignity, and resilience. This innovative initiative promises to chart a transformative path towards a more disciplined and prosperous future for all.