Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Meet This Month’s Emerging Artist!

Meet This Month’s Emerging Artist!

Name: Yara Mohammed Arafsha
Age: 20
Occupation: Medicine Student
Medium: Black pens and white papers for doodling.
Instagram: yarafsha

Why do you art?
Sometimes I don’t know how to express myself, I get lost in words. I’m not the kind of person who can or who would open up easily, I always find myself doodling or writing when I have a thought. I make art to express myself, to let it out.

Is your work the result of sudden inspiration, or long term planning? How do you think up your concepts?
I honestly never sat down on a chair and said to myself: ”OKAY, it’s time to pop up some ideas!” I get my ideas mostly when I’m reading a book or when my head is on the pillow. I don’t like to force the idea out.

What do you think of the art scene in Riyadh?
Speaking as a Jeddah citizen I’m honestly very jealous of you guys. Riyadh is taking lead in most of the exhibitions mashAllah. It is very encouraging and motivating to see the capital city paying such attention to artists and providing the environment they need.

Who are your role models?
My role models are definitely my parents. I always pray to God that I have my dad’s wisdom and my mom’s soul. They always push me and encourage me to do my best. Thank you Mama and Baba, I love you both.

What does being creative mean to you?
Being creative means standing out and showing who you really are and not hiding behind doors because no one will come and take your hands and beg you to be creative. You always have to stand for yourself and express yourself entirely. Being creative doesn’t mean being complicated. Because you can be the simplest yet the most creative.

Instagram: yarafsha


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