Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Artist’s Corner! Faris Alosaimi

Artist’s Corner! Faris Alosaimi

Meet this month’s emerging artist!

Name: Faris Alosaimi
Age: 24
Occupation: Full Time Artist
Medium: Drawing
Instagram: farisosaimi

tumblr_nyv0jfkiDj1rit20go2_1280What got you started?

Art has always been a fascinating subject for me. It was the reason for me leaving the house, traveling, having adventures and getting into new situations, as well as visiting galleries and meeting artists all over the world. Art was my motive to continue tolerating life’s repetitive routines.

tumblr_navy4u6AYi1rit20go1_1280Why do you art?

I do art because I need it.

Is your work the result of sudden inspiration, or long term planning? How do you think up your concepts?

It’s usually built on a fleeting emotion or certain state. The concepts behind my art usually speak about myself and my personal experiences, which is also why I tend to hide a large number of them. It scares me that I might uncover myself completely in an artwork, which is why there’s always an intentionally missing or hidden aspect in my work.

tumblr_no7ebhQD4n1rit20go1_500What is, in your opinion, the best thing you’ve ever created and why?

The mistakes. Because they are what made me who I am today.

What do you think of the art scene in Riyadh? Anything you’d like to see changed?

To be quite frank, I don’t know.

tumblr_np9alzVlD01rit20go1_1280Who are your role models?

Anyone and everyone who silently added beauty in the world, and left peacefully.

Favorite piece of artwork by someone else?

I’m really bad at remembering names, so it’s somewhat impossible for me to remember the name and title of my favorite painting.


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