Maram’s passion for writing started in the film industry. Now she is a creative writing coach, and a novelist.
Already an avid reader, Maram was inspired by her 6th grade English teacher to become a writer. The dream was always there, but the route to it took many turns. Following what in her mind seemed to be a logical approach at the time, she went into the film industry hoping to engage with a larger audience through a medium that was more popular than books in Saudi.
Maram’s achievements in the world of film are numerous and noteworthy. “Munukeer,” a short movie written and produced by Maram about a Saudi housewife who tries to reignite a spark in a lifeless marriage, was nominated for the Best Muhar Gulf Short Award in 2015. “Don’t Go too Far” is her latest release and it screened in the Cannes Short Film Corner, Beirut International Women Film Festival, and Dubai Film Festival’s Cinetec. Working on this film was a dream come true because the story behind “Don’t Go too Far” is a very personal one, inspired by her older brother. Transitioning to TV production, she worked with MBC on directing “Sabah Al Kheir Ya Arab” for a year. She holds much gratitude for all the opportunities she has been presented with and the path she initially chose because it allowed her to discover that she doesn’t belong in the corporate world. It was time for her to fly solo and listen to the nagging voice at the back of her head that kept pulling her towards fiction and creative writing.
Finally breaking free from worrying about others’ opinions and the false illusion of security that a job provides, Maram became more dedicated to freelance writing. She is the author of two novellas “The Road to Elephants” and “Weathernose”. Currently, she is a creative writing coach who helps other aspiring authors complete their stories and overcome common problems like procrastination, lack of know-how, and fears of inadequacy and failure. “If the idea doesn’t speak to your heart, it won’t carry you through,” she tells her clients. Being self-employed, staying motivated and deciding on the direction of a one-woman ship is challenging, and forces Maram to face her inadequacies. Having that sort of insight, however, makes her a better leader for her clients, a more empathetic person, and more in touch with her authentic self. Proudly, Maram just completed the first draft of a fantasy novel that took her 5 years to develop. “I hope that it touches people the way it touched me.” She derives her inspiration from other authors and has been admiring the works of Philip Pullman lately.
Instagram: maram.taibah