Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

L’ORO Sweet indulgence wrapped in a bow

L’ORO Sweet indulgence wrapped in a bow

Amidst the chocolate scene in Riyadh, there is a shop that stands out amongst others for their high quality chocolate and focused precision in their treatment of their customers.


A recently opened store on Omar bin Abdulaziz Road in Alrabwah neighborhood by exit 14, L’ORO caught our attention with a display of brightly patterned chocolates neatly arranged in a pretty gold box. Could it be that we’d finally found a chocolatier that looked perfect and tasted good? Oh yes, yes we had. They have three different kinds of chocolate: wrapped, chocolate covered with fruits, and the sort that had the aforementioned sugar-printed chocolate pieces.  There was a dizzying array of flavors as well, with pralines, fruit fillings, chocolate fillings, covered with chocolate made with the best cocoa beans, produced especially for L’ORO in their own manufacturing atelier. Most importantly, they fulfill our need for luxurious dates in modern packaging.


With the number one supplier for dates, the well known Amal Alkhair dates factory under L’ORO’s helm, it wasn’t that hard to see why the dates tasted that good. They had pre-made chocolate trays, but they also offer customized ones so of course we got on that immediately. And brides? Fret not, L’ORO’s especially equipped to cater the needs of any wedding requirements.


The shop didn’t just impress us with their choices however, each member of their staff had over ten years of experience under their belt at the very least, and it showed. We won’t lie, we reserve a special place in our hearts for stores that treat us with the kind of courtesy that befits royalty. We were worried about logistics though, seeing as we lived up north, but it turns out there’s a second branch in the move, on Hussein bin Ali St. in Alrawdah!


L’ORO, you’ve done well. You have done really well.

Tel: +966-11-4912662
Instagram: loroksa
Facebook: loroksa


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