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Litsy: Ultimate Social App for Booklovers

Litsy: Ultimate Social App for Booklovers

Litsy is a new app for booklovers that we LOVE! Think of it as the best of Goodreads, Instagram and Twitter tailor-made for readers.

Goodreads is a great place to share reviews, but it’s not so helpful when it comes to conversation between booklovers. Litsy fixes that problem to a great extent by designing features in a way that encourages discussion.

Here are some things that make Litsy stand out:

1.  Each post is linked to a book.

This limits spam posts and allows people to post content focused on a particular book.litsy5

2.  Easy access to people’s opinions.

By clicking on a book’s name you get to see what everyone else is saying about it.point1

3.  Spoiler Alert!

You can mark a post as a spoiler, and interested booklovers can opt to read your comment if they like. This limits the risk of accidentally reading a spoiler.

4.  Character limit equals quick reviews.

The 300-character limit forces you to be precise with your review and thoughts. This way you can quickly get the best points on a book from multiple booklovers.litsy3

5.  Precise rating system.

The 5-star rating system can be very misleading because it doesn’t specify the person’s exact reaction to the book. Litsy allows you to rate by selecting your overall reaction towards the book; pick, so-so, pan, and bail.reaction

6.  Share quotes.

You can share quotes from a book to share your favorites parts while reading. This also allows others to get insight into the writing style and reading experience.quote-litsy

7.  Post pictures.

You can personalize your feed a great deal by sharing photos linked to each category of post (review, blurb, quote, etc).review

8.  Litfluence!

Love talking about books?! Litsy lets you see exactly how much you’re influencing other booklovers. You get points every time someone interacts with your posts or adds a book to their stack after seeing your post.litsy-fluence

Litsy is currently only available on iOS; it will be available for Android by August!

Follow me on Litsy @sumaiyya.books


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