Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Life in Jeddah, Oh the Benefits!

Life in Jeddah, Oh the Benefits!

By Rawan Radwan

Living in a coastal city is scientifically proven to improve your health. Here’s how.

Jeddah: that thin strip of urbanized land nestled between Al Hijaz Tuhama Mountains and the beautiful waters of the Red Sea, we all love our city. Any historian will tell you of the people of the city; how there has always been joy and solitude amongst its residents, a welcoming atmosphere to all visitors and simply a good place to settle down.DSCF5796-Jeddah-Corniche-Movenpick

Being such an important city, a commercial hub and dramatically growing in a rate that even locals are in awe over, there is one essential tidbit about our beloved Jeddah that many don’t recognize; living in a coastal city is scientifically proven to improve your health.

The Sun

Since Jeddah is baked under the sun’s heat almost 90 percent of the year, living in the city exposes you to a good amount of vitamin D. All you have to do is spend a few minutes a day exposing yourself to the sun’s rays and you’re good to go. Why is vitamin D important? It helps boost the immune system, wards off autoimmune conditions, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases easily decreased in levels of occurrence just by increasing vitamin D levels. Just don’t forget the sun protection with an SPF of at least 40-50.Bay1-(16d97dc5ae7e6eb19bd3798311a31879)

The Air

Coastal air is different than further inland. Scientifically, the air along coastlines are charged with negative ions that allow the human body to absorb oxygen easier and better. The easier flow of oxygen through the body allows a chemical known as serotonin, a neurotransmitter, to level and help decrease stress levels significantly not to mention help relax the body easier. Scientists believe that the equalized levels of serotonin also play a major role in influencing mood swings, help adjust tiresome sleep patterns, memory and some social behavior.Grilled-fish_paloi_S

The Food

Food, as in seafood. Need I say more? Seafood, mainly known for its richness with omega-3 fatty acids, help maintain cardiovascular health, reduces tissue inflammation and alleviate symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, helps reduce depression and halts mental decline in older people. How can you resist visiting Bangalah (fish market) and getting fish fresh from the sea?dsc1384

As a Public Health expert, I encourage residents of our beautiful city to spend some time outside, bask under the sun’s rays a tad and smell the fresh sea air mixed with the cool breeze that wafts overhead and simply relax.


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