Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

Kiddie Meals

Kiddie Meals

Get the best bang for your buck!


We asked Colonel Sanders for his go to kids’ meal and he delivered. Though, we’re not sure what exactly makes it a kid’s meal per say.

Portion: One piece of chicken and fries was quite fulfilling 4/4
Toy: None, which defies the purpose.
Bonus: This is not a bonus as much as it is a drawback, but we fail to see what makes this a kid’s meal. No fun box and no fun toy make your kid a very sad boy.

McDonald’s Happy Meal

macdonnaldsAh! The trusty ol’ happy meal. Very few things make a child happier than Mickey D’s large golden arches.

Portions: Not suitable for adults. 3/4
Toy: Happy meals have always had brilliant toys. 4/4
Bonus: No bonuses.

Herfy Kids Meal

I don’t care what anyone says, Herfy has always and will always continue to kill it. Freshness and consistency. To be fair though, I think my love for Herfy is a direct result of my parents preferring it over other fast-food joints.

Portions: Good enough for an 11-year old. 3/4
Toy: Less of a toy more of a keychain, but points for nostalgia. Go Sonic!
Bonus: The default drink is juice, which is a big plus.


What’s more Saudi than Kudu? Well a lot of things, but Kudu’s definitely up there when it comes to fast-food. We try and always root for these guys as the underdog of every race, but it doesn’t seem to work.

Portions: The burger was smaller than the fries, which is quite a feat. 2/4
Toy: No toy, but they did have an extra cool 3D cup and coaster. What kid doesn’t love a coaster, right? 0/4
Bonus: You can substitute the fries with veggies.

Burger King

YES, Burger King, yes! This is how you do it right. Dear other fast-food restaurants, please take note.

Portions: Enough for children and small stomached adults.
Toy: A Troll’s toy is relevant – with the release of the movie – as well as gender neutral. 5/4
Bonus: A clean design.


hardees-kids-mealI mean… Really, guys? Hardees really needs to update its kid’s meal. I think they’ve been rocking that kid’s meal design since the ‘70s.

Portions: Decent. 3/4
Toy: Nope. 0/4
Bonus: I got nothing.


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