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Destination KSA - Your Guide to Saudi

In Gaming Custody: Nioh and Nier

In Gaming Custody: Nioh and Nier

By Abdulmalik Zubailah

We have arrested these games because they’re just that good!

Nioh – Yokai Slaying Redefined

Nioh can easily be compared to its most obvious source of inspiration, Dark Souls, but it’s a game that stands strong without compromising its identity. Nioh shines brightly in its deep and customizable combat system, offering many ways to approach combat encounters. It manages to deliver a challenging experience that never feels unfair. Despite its hectic and incoherent narrative, Nioh’s alternate take on the Japanese Sengoku era is incredibly detailed, mixing historical figures and events, with Japanese Folklore such as The Yokai. Nioh is challenging and brutal, but it’s also a deep and rewarding action RPG.

Nier: Automata – 2B or not 2B.

nier-automata-nier-2-ps4-ps4-56300Yoko Taro and his games are no strangers to weird design decisions and bizarre storylines. Nier: Automata is no exception. With its sophisticated and weird narrative, Nier delivers a compelling story with countless endings that act as intersections rather than finales. Its predecessor suffered immensely from stale combat and gameplay, but with Platinum Games handling the gameplay this time, Automata excels spectacularly in its intricate fast paced combat. However, poor pacing and a slow beginning hold the game back from being perfect. If you’re looking for a bizarre Hack’n’Slash action-RPG, Nier: Automata can’t be missed.

The Author:

Abdulmalik Zubailah

Obsessed with stories, storytelling, video games, and music. Host of The Gaming Recess podcast, vocalist of Skeleton Crowd band, and GameDevJeddah Co-Organizer.



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